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#18: Working one-on-one: The counselor/client relationship.

Workiong one-on-one

Joining together: This is the most common form of joint work and is most often seen when a client seeks help from a counselor, doctor or other healing professional. However, the relationship does not need to be a professional one. It can simply be two friends joining together in pursuit of healing. Accordingly, this lesson is not just for professionals. It is for anyone wanting to help another.

Who is the therapist? Remember, the real therapist here is The Unseen Therapist. She is the true conductor of our sessions. The friend or healing professional is an assistant to the process. This is true whether you are working one-on-one or with groups.

If you are a health professional, this assistant role is often hard to digest. You may have spent many years and a great deal of money to learn intricate methods that you can apply in the client’s behalf including drugs, surgeries and/or numerous psychological interventions. This generates the appearance and common belief that you are the healer.

Don't interfere: However, this notion, along with all those man-made methods you may have previously learned, should be put aside if you wish to maximize the benefits of The Unseen Therapist. Otherwise, you are interfering. This doesn’t mean that all medical interventions must be dismissed. That would be foolish because we are just learning the process and have much practicing to do before we can even hope to replace things like appendectomies, emergency room care and the like. However, when you ARE calling on The Unseen Therapist, it is best not to bring your other beliefs into the process.

THROUGH you, not BY you: She is far wiser than you and me and, while She appreciates your good intentions, all She needs from you is assistance in digging into the client’s background so that the underlying issues are put on the table for Her celestial wave of the healing baton. The more you know about the issues, of course, the better assistant you will be. That is why you are here. You will receive more instructions on this skill as we proceed through these lessons. In the meantime, please understand that Optimal EFT, properly performed, is done THROUGH you, not BY you.

Both parties benefit: Further, because the process is aligned with our natural state of Oneness, both parties benefit in their own ways. These benefits may be readily apparent, particularly for the client, but there are often benefits that are not recognized immediately. As an example, you may eventually notice less anxiety, resentment, etc. in certain situations. You may also notice how your relationships have have improved with that opinionated Aunt Sarah or that irritating co-worker. And so on it goes as your communication with The Unseen Therapist moves you in peaceful directions. 

Illustrative video: To illustrate this process, the video below is a full initial session with Amy wherein we address her spider phobia. As you will see, we both closed our eyes to jointly bring in The Unseen Therapist. This collaborative process was simple in that she did The Personal Peace Procedure solo for herself while I “became her” and did the same thing in her behalf. Thus, with loving intention, we blended our love with that of The Unseen Therapist. As a general rule, the more sources of love the better.

Also, to give you an even better quality feel for how this one-on-one process works, this session illustrates several instances where we join in the process together. Along the way we also discuss aspects, testing and other features of the method. 

Here's the video.

Questions and Exercises

  • Is this method just for professionals? Who else might use it?

  • Who is the real therapist in Optimal EFT? What role does the counselor play?

  • Why is it suggested that we don't interfere in the process with our other beliefs and methods?

  • Should you abandon all use of medical methods in favor of Optimal EFT? Explain your answer.

  • How and why do both parties benefit?

  • Borrow from the video and practice this method with ten friends or clients. Keep notes on your successes and failures... and note how your successes improve with practice.


Reminder: While the content in this Near-Free Advanced Online Training is complete and, with proper practice, can lead you to mastery, not everyone is an accomplished self-help student. Thus, for some students, our LIVE CLASSES can substantially ease the way. See our TRAINING OPTIONS.


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