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A Must Read: Joan Johnson's Spiritual Awakening.

Hi Everyone,

Please spend time with this beautifully written article. Read it multiple times. It points to the immense healing possibilities and spiritual enlightenment that is possible through the Optimal EFT process. Joan says, "My mind is still trying to figure out what does it all mean but for my heart and soul it is just natural. A missing piece of my existence has been found. This direct touch and dialog with God means everything to me and there is nothing else. I could live in my human body; I could live in another human body. It does not matter."

e-hugs, Gary


Hi Gary,

During the last few months I have had about eight significant spiritual experiences. The last one happened on January 6 and it occurred right after an Optimal EFT practice group session conducted by Kolua Seiko. The day before I had experienced another spiritual awakening while doing Optimal EFT for my mom. I also had a spiritual experience during the New Year’s Eve while watching a movie with my husband. And five more before (two of them I described on the Optimal EFT blog). All of these had a few things in common:


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1. they happened unexpectedly.

2. I merged into Oneness.

3. I lost awareness of time, space, directions; I stopped feeling my body, my body senses were switched off.

4. I was only a feeling of joy, peace and love.

5. the only thing that kept me on Earth was a thought, a single thought which was more like an energy, like a wind which comes and goes away and it was definitely "an ego thought", more or less:

- "maybe it is my time and God is calling me to Himself; oh, I am going to die, I need to get back; I am scared of death"

- "what if all these people will think about me; what if I start to do something strange here, I do not want to go there now, I feel scared"

- "OK, it is so wonderful but it is time to go back"

- "OK, it is time to go to sleep," etc.

Since the first experience occurred something unusual has been happening to me. I feel like I have a living energy within my chest, something like a spirit, which lives within my body. Whenever I start to speak to The Unseen Therapist some kind of energy is fulfilling my body and I start to lose my human senses. My body starts to move involuntary or is being immobilized, I feel a massage, get answers, spiritual knowledge. The only thing I can think of is to use this energy for healing others.

My mind is still trying to figure out what does it all mean but for my heart and soul it is just natural. A missing piece of my existence has been found. This direct touch and dialog with God means everything to me and there is nothing else. I could live in my human body; I could live in another human body. It does not matter.

What I comprehended through these experiences is that I am only love, I am only a spirit, I am only a soul and the only thing I dream of is to stay in these wonderful relationship with God. Of course it does not change the fact that I am still a human, I still have my Guard at the Gate, my negative emotions, thoughts, some negative memories etc., but I feel that I am not so attached to them and myself anymore. I am aware it may sound strange.


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I wanted to share it with you since you are The Founder of the Optimal EFT method and my spiritual awakening appeared shortly after I started to practice the Optimal EFT.

Have a wonderful day, Joan Johnson


e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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