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A short version of the Collar Bone Breathing Technique


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

The Collar Bone Breathing Technique is taught in The EFT Course and described in The EFT Manual. It can be useful when you are stuck on an issue ... but ... it does take awhile to perform. Ben Meijer from the Netherlands has experimented with a shorter version of it. You might wish to give it a try.

Hugs, Gary


By Ben Meijer

Collar Bone Breathing is one very usefull exercise when you get stuck in EFT, after you have done some of the easier things such as the PR correction out loud with lots of emphasis, and maybe corrected some of the reversals. It can be foud in in Gary Craig's EFT manual page 51 (page 59 in acrobat reader)

Because CBB is time consuming and cumbersome, I started experimenting. I created a shorter version, and have been working with it with complete success for over 1 year now with my clients and in the courses I teach.

Please refer to Gary Craig's EFT manual to compare the below short version of Collar Bone Breathing (sCBB) with the original.

Short version of Collar Bone Breathing (sCBB):

With one hand, hold both Collar Bone points (K27).

With the other hand, tap on the Gamut Point of the first hand.

Mentally repeat the reminder phrase (of the issue of which the 0-10 intensity score will decrease) while tapping, as doing so out loud would cause you to lose the breath we want to hold during this excercise.

So, count to 3 and take a large breath, and hold your breath in this maximum inhale position. Relax your ribcage but hold your breath.

In this position, tap 10-12 seconds, repeating the reminder phrase mentally.

Now, exhale to middle position. (middle between inhaling and exhaling). Again, hold your breath here.

In this position, tap 10-12 seconds, repeating the reminder phrase mentally.

Subsequently, exhale all the way forcibly, let all the air out of your lungs. Again, here you hold your breath.

In this position, tap 20-30 seconds (or a bit longer), repeating the reminder phrase mentally.

When you really start to want to breathe in, do so, inhaling once again to the maximum inhale position. Relax your ribcage but hold your breath.

In this position, tap 10-12 seconds, repeating the reminder phrase mentally.

Now, exhale to middle position. (middle between inhaling and exhaling). Again, hold your breath here.

In this position, tap 10-12 seconds, repeating the reminder phrase mentally.

Subsequently, exhale all the way forcibly, let all the air out of your lungs. Again, here you hold your breath.

In this position, tap 20-30 seconds (or a bit longer), repeating the reminder phrase mentally.

Now relax your breath, and tap a round on all EFT tapping points (without the setup) as your catch your breath.

Take a 0-10 intensity reading.

Kind Regards,

Ben Meijer


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Gary Craig, proprietor



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