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A simple way to handle Shingles -- no drugs involved


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Note how Rebecca Snavely tuned into an emotional issue of "feeling trapped" and used EFT to collapse both the feeling and her Shingles. Please consult physicians on all medical issues.

Hugs, Gary


By Rebecca Snavely


I recently came down with a small case of shingles.  When the lymph nodes swelled up, the area underneath the nodes (the vessels) got so sore, I couldn't move my arm, and because I did not get the fever I came to realize the virus was stuck in the system. 

Suddenly, it occurred to me, use EFT.  So, I laid down, focused on the rash and the swelling and pain.  The first thought and feeling that crossed my mind was this:  "I feel so trapped!  I want to run so bad and there's nowhere to run to."  It actually brought tears to me.  The first tears in months.  (Running away never solves problems.  It's more that I need to sever ties with a negative person in my life and I'm trying to do that.  Just takes some planning sometimes to line things up.)   I focused on that feeling and allowed it to become as intense as I truly felt it. Coincidentally, the burning of the rash intensified.  That confirmed that the shingles were directly related to this feeling.

I tapped on that while focusing on the area of shingles eruption and lymphatic area pain.  A little while later, the swollen lymph nodes and vessels underneath started to tingle and I could feel the flow...The lymphatic system started to drain!!!!!  The virus wasn't stuck anymore!  Within two days after that, the pain decreased to the point of almost nil.  (Took some time for total drainage.) 

 At the same time, I released the emotions that I was denying.  It was strange the thought of feeling trapped came so strongly.  I didn't even know I felt that way!  I had supressed this feeling in the name of "staying focused on the positive."  That's all good, but not when I don't acknowledge how I feel.  It was all suppressed on a deep level (Shingles is the chicken pox virus gone dormant and stored in the spine and erupts on a single dermatome...following a nerve root.  Can't get deeper and more supressed than that!)  So through all of this, I learned a few things.  I can stay focused on the positive and still not deny my feelings if something just really stinks.  It is by acknowledging that feeling and not wallowing in it that freedom is attained.  Otherwise, if I suppress it, it will erupt outwardly somewhere in my body.  If I continue to supress it and don't release it, it will block up in my body.  (E.g. swollen lymph nodes and vessels.)

EFT truly helped me heal and flush the virus--previously stuck--through my system and helped me release the supressed garbage of feeling so trapped.  (A salve from essential oils helped the rash.)  I am truly grateful!  All in all, I was sick a total of about 5 days.  I was three days into it before I used EFT.  Just another testimonial from someone newly exposed to the procedure.  Thank you so much for sharing this technique with people!


Rebecca Snavely


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Gary Craig, proprietor



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