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About Those EFT Tapping Spin-Offs: A Candid Discussion

"They all look something like EFT Tapping but underneath

they are substantially different, even from each other.

Frankly, I don't know whether to gasp or giggle at this outcome.

Conflicts everywhere. What’s a newbie to do?"

My Concerns: EFT’s worldwide proliferation is bringing hope to humanity but, due to issues that I caused, the movement is not without its concerns.

When I introduced EFT in 1995, I had no idea it would eventually land in the hands of millions. If I had, I would have made sure that everyone learned the method equally. Clear teaching. Consistent classes. Standards for the whole movement. This way all EFT'ers would speak the same language and innovations could build upon a common foundation.

But, alas, I dropped the ball and, as it stands, there are now hundreds of EFT spin-offs, each reflecting a different set of beliefs and preferences. No standards whatsoever. They all look something like EFT Tapping but underneath they are substantially different, even from each other. Frankly, I don't know whether to gasp or giggle at this outcome. Conflicts everywhere. What’s a newbie to do?

I suggest, of course, that you learn EFT here ... from the source ... where everything is detailed and consistent. But, if you wish to explore the spin-offs, you will find them all over the internet. They tend to use some form of the name EFT or its well known nickname, Tapping, in their titles.

While there may be a small handful of exceptions, the vast majority of the promoters have not taken any in-depth training in EFT from the source and, as a result, they put forward "lighter" versions of EFT. Unfortunately, I have reports that one of these spin-offs has badly traumatized people, including sending some into suicide thoughts.

Obviously, I cannot support or endorse the greater majority of the spin-offs. I wish I could. It would help the proper spread of EFT.

e-hugs, Gary

PS: None of these issues exist with our newest advancement, Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist). It is only taught through this website and thus no variations can use the Optimal EFT name.

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