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Addictions: What REALLY Causes Them... And... How To Break Them

An addiction to cigarettes was ruining my life. I was born in 1940 and, by my age 24, I was smoking 3 packs per day. I had a chance to play professional American football but, alas, tobacco was already stealing my stamina. It was too late.

Will Power - The Hard Way: I quit smoking anyway because I knew it was eroding my health, but had to do it the hard way... through sheer will power. I didn't have EFT Tapping or Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist) to ease the way. I just sucked it up and did it on my own.

Tough to do. Perhaps you have noticed that.

Prisons: Addictions are like prisons. They confine you within the walls of certain behaviors or substances from which, seemingly, there is no way out. Yet somewhere within you there is hope. There is a call for freedom that is not somewhere outside yourself. Rather, it comes from within. It's a call that invites you to become a model for others instead of a poster-child for how not to lead your life. Otherwise, why would you be reading this?

I wrote a short poem about addictions. It goes like this...

There is a place, past time and space,

Where inner peace resides.

Addictions not, only free thought,

Suffices as our guides.

A place for joy, and not decoy,

Where freedom reigns supreme.

A place to dance and have romance,

While addictions fade to dreams.


Habits: Did you ever notice how easily our bodies develop habits? I mean we use habits for almost everything...

  • We stop at stop signs without thinking... a habit.

  • We put on our socks before we put on our shoes without thinking... a habit.

  • We ask others, "How are you today?" without thinking... a habit.

  • We typically respond to the above question with, "Fine" without thinking... a habit.

  • And so on it goes...

Habits, habits, habits. They are an everyday part of life... and we welcome them. Without habits we would have to stop and think about our every move: from brushing our teeth to paying our bills and beyond.

They make our lives easier so we reduce many of our behaviors down to habits. This allows

much of our lives to work on auto-pilot.

Hooray for habits.

Addictions Are Like Habits: In a way addictions are like habits except that, for the most part, their purpose is to...

...calm anxiety.

Think about it... from food to gambling to cigarettes to heroin... isn't the purpose of your addiction to feel better? Isn't there some form of personal unrest that gets temporarily tranquilized in the process? Don't you "feel more relaxed" or even "escape" into a La La Land that appears much better than your every day experience?

And so long as we have that personal unrest, we will NEED a way to tranquilize it. This opens the door to addictions and, once we find one or more tranquilizers, we revert to those substances or behaviors automatically until they become habits and eventually become our jailers.

The Way Out: There is a way out of this personal prison. And that is to take aim at the unrest within yourself and develop Personal Peace within. Our EFT Tapping and/or Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist) are ideally suited for this. As you develop ever-increasing Personal Peace with these methods, your personal unrest (anxiety) will begin to fade and with it the need to self-tranquilize will fade as well.

So, in this way, the CAUSE for the addiction is being addressed and, thoroughly done, this habit can be broken with much greater ease than with will power.


Reminder - Follow A TRAINING Option: I designed this large website so that you would have an efficient way to get the most out of it. Our TRAINING options do just that by guiding you through it step-by-step. So, if you haven't already done so, select a TRAINING option and proceed. Otherwise, you can skip around and pick up a few gems off the floor. But that will ignore the full Treasure Chest available if you follow my training design.


But This Doesn't Mean You Are Home Free: No, indeed. While I have seen addictions broken in moments, such events are few and far between. The high likelihood is that you are entering into a process. Chances are you are carrying around a lot more resentment, guilt, fear and other forms of personal unrest than you are even remotely aware of.

That's OK.

Opportunities: These become opportunities and they will show themselves as you progress. Your skills and achievements will become better and your abilities to help others will improve. Everyone wins.

Overcoming The Immediate Craving: One stumbling block that you are almost certain to meet along the way is the immediate craving. Your body has become used to the behavior or substance and, from time to time, seems to beg for it. This is where the will-power method often breaks down. Despite our resolve, the body's begging is too much to bare and so we give in "just this once." Not good. This puts you right back in the addiction cycle.

Major Assists: Fortunately, both EFT Tapping and Optimal EFT provide major assists with this challenge.

EFT Tapping: I've seen this work wonders with great frequency. When the craving occurs, simply aim the tapping at the craving and start with "Even though I have this craving..." and complete a round or two as given in the Gold Standard EFT Tapping Tutorial. It may take 3 or 4 rounds but, almost invariably, the immediate craving vanishes and you can walk on by the addiction, at least for now.

Optimal EFT: Just simply ask The Unseen Therapist to set aside your immediate craving.This takes even less time than EFT Tapping but requires more skill with this advanced method. See our Near-Free Advanced Online Training. Either method is likely to provide important benefits.

I cannot tell you how long this benefit will last for you because the duration varies from person to person. Typically, it lasts from 1 to 5 hours. But it may last 10 minutes to 10 days for you. Whatever the duration, it can be a godsend in getting you beyond the addiction and into the freedom you deserve.

e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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