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Andre's Visit From The Unseen Therapist During Panicky Times

"Then I heard my name and I stopped. It was her (The Unseen Therapist), “I haven’t left you, I’m always here. You just haven’t been coming to see me.” (She was right)."

Intro from Gary: As you can see from his letter below, Andre was having a major emotional reaction to recent tugs-of-war between the citizens of his country and politicians. He was reverting to medications to resolve it UNTIL The Unseen Therapist showed up. Fascinating story. Read on.


Hi Gary,

I’m still struggling with some anger issues over the hate that seems so prevalent in society today—and indeed in my very city mere miles from my front door.

In my last update, I told you I was completely unfocused and couldn’t concentrate long enough to find the Unseen Therapist. Yesterday my anxiety had resurfaced to the point that I took one milligram of Ativan—the first in I can’t remember how long—and then again today. Panic was imminent and I had to head it off. This is after I yelled at my ever-so-gentle cats (which is pointless because they’re both completely deaf) and then out of spite I wouldn’t feed the wild rabbits who live in the forest behind my house but come to my back glass doors not for scraps but for actual rabbit food that I buy and fruit and vegetables that I cycle out of my fridge.

I wasn’t happy so no one else was going to be either.


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I went downstairs and got on my elliptical and my mind was racing, I couldn’t concentrate on the television and had set the machine to the most difficult course at the highest resistance all in an effort to prove to myself that I’d be a failure at that too.

My partner came down to find me yelling at myself. I yelled “I can’t find her, she’s left me!”

“Who are you talking about? Who has left you?”

“The Unseen . . . “

Then I heard my name and I stopped.

It was her (The Unseen Therapist), “I haven’t left you, I’m always here. You just haven’t been coming to see me.” (She was right).

She’s never used my name before, nor have I ever seen her face clearly. In my mind she’s always been an ethereal being; not quite body, not quite soul,

I immediately recognized her. She’s been on an end-table in my living room for years. I have no recollection as to where this porcelain figure came from, it just appeared in house one day. It is of the manufacture of a line that I collect (Rosenthal) but I don’t recall where or when I would have bought this particular piece. Now I realize she’s been here this whole time and I just didn’t know—perhaps just waiting for me to find her.

I said “I’m so happy you’re here, I have a lot of issues I need to work through and I need them resolved.”

“We can work on as many as you want and do it whatever way is most comfortable for you. We can start with the most difficult or the easiest or we can just do each one as it comes to mind.”

We did them at random and with each one my shoulders dropped, my breathing normalized, my focus on the issues was almost completely restored and we worked on probably a dozen issues and resolved them pretty much down to a one or a zero.

"I once was lost,

but now I am found,

was blind,

but now I see."

~ John Newton

Thank you Gary, for everything,


PS: I also asked if I should make up with the cats and feed the rabbits. She said “You don’t need me to help you with the answer to that."


e-hugs, Gary

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Gary Craig, proprietor



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