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Are You Satisfied With 20% Of EFT Tapping's Possibilities?

The Grand EFT Tapping Illusion:

Persistent use of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe alone, without any education on how to tailor or polish the process, will get you about 20% (my rough estimate) of EFT Tapping’s Treasure Chest of healing benefits. However, this 20% is often so astonishing that it tends to obscure the remaining possibilities to new EFT’ers. It is like being fascinated by a bicycle while unaware that planes, trains and automobiles exist.

Some of our best EFT Tapping students call this The Grand EFT Tapping Illusion because the results that are generated from this 20% is so advanced over what you might normally expect that it is easy to erroneously conclude that "The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe is all there is to EFT." Many EFT'ers do this and unknowingly leave the remaining 80% on the table. You will see this frequently in the various EFT Tapping imitations or spin-offs that populate the internet. See About Those EFT Tapping Spin-Offs.

Sometimes 20% isn’t enough, and the first thought of an EFT Tapping beginner is usually to make the language “better.” After all, the points stay the same – the only thing left is to change the language, right?


A common, but inefficient, solution is to try adding more of the “issue” into the Setup Phrase or reciting paragraphs about a lifetime problem in an attempt to express it more clearly. There are also resources online for pre-written Tapping Scripts that appeal to those who have mistakenly assumed that the language needs to be enhanced for better results. On the contrary, that’s like trying to “improve” a bicycle with accessories like cumbersome baskets and side cars when what you really need is a driver’s license to operate a smooth riding, powerful EFT Tapping automobile.

The EFT Tapping driver’s license will teach you that being more specific and addressing an issue one piece at a time is easier and far more powerful than expanding the scope of your Setup Phrase. Being more specific means learning how to separate each issue into individual parts (Aspects) and targeting those parts one at a time with the Tapping process. These, and other vital tools are featured in later portions of this Tutorial. By the time you get to the Personal Peace Procedure at the end of Part 2, you’ll be ready to drive the car.

If you are satisfied with the bicycle, and 20% provides enough relief for your issue, then please go forth with my personal gratitude. Use The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe where appropriate and you will have a lifetime healing tool.

Personal request: If you stop here with your EFT Tapping education, please recognize that your use of it is at a beginner's level. Leaving others with the impression that the Basic Recipe is all there is to EFT Tapping will perpetuate the Grand EFT Illusion and inaccurately spreads our message. Please send any interested friends, family, or other acquaintances to our website for complete training. You never know, they may prefer the driver’s license.

What You Might See Online: When you see examples of EFT or Tapping on the internet or from other independent sources, they are often some form of the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe that has been combined with another method or varied in some way. Many of the common variations to EFT Tapping can be seen in the Setup/Reminder language. Unfortunately those variations aren’t authentic EFT and can be misleading.

There are some specific language skills that we introduce in later sections, but to learn them correctly just follow this EFT Tapping Tutorial. Once you get further in your training, you will be able to recognize variations when you see them and identify which essential part of the EFT Tapping process they are often missing.

For now, it’s best to avoid “additional instruction” online or from other independent sources, because that will likely lead to confusion and compromise your effectiveness.

REVIEW: In this article, you learned about the Grand EFT Tapping Illusion.

  • The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe is responsible for about 20% of EFT’s potential benefits, but many people mistake it for the whole thing.

  • Rather than “improve” the language for better results, learn how to be more specific and find better targets for your Tapping rounds.

  • For best results, continue learning EFT with this Tutorial and avoid other online resources that might cause confusion.

e-hugs, Gary

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