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Benefits While Transitioning From EFT Tapping To OEFT

"...the Unseen Therapist brought in another memory, totally unrelated to what we were working on..."

Intro from Gary: Judy Rigg is transitioning from EFT Tapping to Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist) and shares with us some of the new benefits.


Hi Gary,

As you may recall I read your book on the Unseen Therapist and have employed the practice on myself to do a lot of clearing of pent up emotions.

In addition I have been led to call on the Unseen Therapist in my EFT Tapping sessions and noticing great results.

I was working with another EFT Tapping practitioner and I was the client. We tapped on an emotional event that held a 0-10 intensity of 8. Through one round it was reduced to a 4. As we discussed why it was a 4 she asked if she could ask the Unseen Therapist in. I agreed.

As we approached the moment for the Unseen Therapist to come in, the Unseen Therapist brought in another memory, totally unrelated to what we were working on so now there were two memories. Again, once the Unseen Therapist technique was completed, both memories registered a 0-10 intensity of 0.




I saw the memory come in, recognized it, wondered about it, cleared it and now have no recall of what that particular memory was, only that it was unrelated and it too was a 4. I did not record the memory. Wished I had.

During that same session we worked on another event in my lifetime that was a troubling 0-10 intensity of 8. This time we asked the Unseen Therapist in and it was reduced to a 4. While my EFT Tapping person asked questions about the reason it was a 4 and had a normal EFT Tapping discussion trying to see what was up, I recognized a cognitive shift and my person and I discussed that shift.

We were ready to work on that event when I realized that that too had cleared during the conversation.

At this point I would like to mention that on three different occasions working and having conversations with my clients I have had that same thing occur when using the Unseen Therapist technique.

I always park my ego on my left shoulder prior to a session and advise that it is there only to observe. I find parking my ego allows me to get closure on an emotional event more easily. None of that chatter.

I have to admit I talk to the Unseen Therapist throughout my day. I am sure my dogs think I am a bit off sometimes. However, it does help.

Thanks for reading.



e-hugs, Gary

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