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Big benefits from using EFT on an "irrelevant memory"


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Linda Anderson emphasizes the need to use EFT even on those memories that seem resolved. She tapped on one such such memory and discovered many unwanted behaviors linked to it. Most of us have such memories and it can be life-transforming to visit them with EFT.

Hugs, Gary


By Linda Anderson

Hi Gary I've been working at my own personal peace procedure for just over a year now but only recently learned the value of tapping on absolutely everything that comes up, whether I believe I 'need to' or not! Here's how I learned that. Some 40 years ago, aged 11, I had to sit the dreaded 11 Plus exam which would determine whether I was suited to an academic education in a traditional 'grammar school', or a more vocational education in one of the new 'comprehensive' schools. On one of the practice papers, in my hurry to complete in time, I made the BIG mistake of writing 7 x 0 = 7. In assembly later that week, the Headmaster gave us all a severe talking to on the importance of passing this exam, and being careful not to make stupid mistakes such as seven noughts are seven. It was also mentioned at parents' evening to my father who pointed out that this was a really careless mistake and I should be sure to pay more attention in the real exam. In time this became a family joke, and whenever I appeared to be indecisive or had obviously made a mistake, the question would be fired at me 'What's 7 x 0?' and we'd all fall about laughing. So when this phrase kept popping into my head as I was tapping, I resisted for a while, saying to myself 'but that was a joke, why would I need to tap on that?' In the end I did tap and got back in touch in a big way with all the feelings of shame and humiliation I had experienced at the time, followed by anger at the grown-ups' handling of the matter. After all, this was the kind of mistake people commonly make when working under time pressure and was in no way a barometer of my 'stupidity'. I tapped away the anger and as I did so, was able to see what a huge impact this event has had on my behaviour down the years. I have always hated making mistakes, and have constantly worried about being seen to make a mistake, in case the person seeing it thinks I am really stupid. And I can think of countless opportunities that have passed me by, because I haven't been prepared to go outside my comfort zone and risk getting it wrong again.

I tapped on the anger and regrets over the wasted years, finishing with several rounds on the importance of making mistakes, I can learn from my mistakes, choosing to grow through my mistakes, it's ok to make mistakes etc etc. And I feel so much more confident now, and more inclined to take a risk where before I would have retreated. So my advice to anyone being pestered by a seemingly irrelevant memory would be to give it the attention it's crying out for and tap all over it! Love and hugs Linda Anderson


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Gary Craig, proprietor



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