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Bulimia: First Class Recovery Via The Unseen Therapist

"...our process gets to the ultimate CAUSE of this serious ailment."

Conventional methods do not have many answers for Bulimia. In fact, WebMD.com, one of the largest medically oriented websites, says...

"We don't know the exact cause of bulimia."

However, Sonia Novinsky has dealt with Bulimia successfully on multiple occasions for her clients while using nothing but EFT or OEFT. That's because our process gets to the ultimate CAUSE of this serious ailment.

Watch this video where Sonia and I discuss the complete cessation of Bulimia for Sonia's client, Isadora. Note how Sonia resolved some emotional issues, including childhood abuse, that allowed Isadora go from someone who ate and purged (vomited) around 5 times per day to someone who is completely free of the issue. She doesn't even think about it any more.

Please consult physicians on all medical issues.


e-hugs, Gary

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