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Can EFT Help With Paralysis?

Question: I’ve seen many doctors and I just don’t want to give up on my chance at being healthy again. I’m paralyzed from the neck down with brain damage and many broken bones as well as broken dreams and promises. If you can give me any hope or ideas on returning my health or simply spiritual advice I’m open to almost anything I know life ends but I want to live before it does .... I’ve been really losing my mind listening to people telling me being in a wheelchair is okay after seeing people walk again from similar injuries. Please reply if you can or can’t help.

Answer: Like you I'm an optimist about your possibilities.

However, I see these possibilities as emanating from beyond the typical reach of man-made methods. I speak here of properly igniting your own healing (spiritual) powers from within yourself.

This is not a new idea as people have been efforting in this direction for centuries… often with limited or no success. Fortunately, this is now becoming possible with greater efficiency. My latest EFT advancement, called Optimal EFT (OEFT), opens the door to a new Palace of Possibilities that can provide these extraordinary new healing skills to anyone willing to think (and practice) outside the box.

Personally, I have regenerated a troublesome L5-S1 disk in my back, recovered within 24 hours from a knee injury that would normally have taken 6 weeks or so to heal, stopped kidney stone pain in its tracks (I did this twice) and more. Students of mine are getting similar results as you will see from the growing list of "Impossible" Healings that you will find on my website.

I am not making promises here. Rather, I am pointing you in a promising direction. Check out the references below.

Gary Craig, proprietor



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