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Can You Help Me With Parkinson’s?

Question: Can you help me with Parkinson’s?

Answer: The outlook for Parkinson's, at least by the medical profession, is not very encouraging. According to MayoClinic.com, the cause of Parkinson's Disease is not known and it has no cure. Here are some quotes ...

"The cause of Parkinson's disease is unknown"... and... "Although Parkinson's disease can't be cured, medications might significantly improve your symptoms."

But you already know that, I presume, or you wouldn’t have written me.

To me, both the cause and the relief for all of our diseases comes from within. We are far more powerful than we think and thus we can damage ourselves by our own negative emotions (trauma, anger, fear, guilt, grief, worry, doubt and other emotions that we collect over our lifetimes). Any doctor will tell you that our negative thoughts create a cascade of “negative chemicals” (my term) throughout our bodies that, eventually, manifests as disease.

By the same logic, positive thoughts (such as love, joy and gratitude) create “positive chemistry” in our bodies that, in turn, brings relief to the various ailments (including Parkinson’s Disease) that we manifest.

EFT, particularly our newest advancement Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist), is spiritual in nature and has an impressive history of collapsing those negative, disease causing emotions. That is what it does best.

For more, you can explore some of our "Impossible" Healings.

Accordingly, I suggest you look toward your healing powers within for relief. Check out the help references below.

Gary Craig, proprietor



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