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Cherry Wilson's Spiritual Experience.

Hi Everyone,

Notice how Cherry's spiritual experience was much like mine in that it "just happened." She says at the end, "What I learned that day was I am infinite, I do not need to fear death and that there is so much, much more to this experience/incarnation than I ever dreamed of. "


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In this state, our true reality is far grander than anything previously experienced. And it is this state that Optimal EFT borrows from by inviting in The Unseen Therapist. We may not be in this state during a healing session but the results we often get are clear evidence that she is present.

e-hugs, Gary

From Cherry Wilson: Gary, what you are giving to the world fits perfectly for me; it is like the missing piece I have been waiting for. I feel blessed and am so grateful.

Forty years ago, (I am now 61) as a young mother of three children with no tertiary education, I was working weekends stuffing chickens , cooking and selling them in a supermarket delicatessen. I was on break mid afternoon and was wandering around the store and found myself flicking through some books on a stand.

Then "It" happened.

All of a sudden I am enveloped with the most all encompassing profound love. As I returned to my work station, I felt immense and infinite; as if nothing could touch me. I wanted to do all the cleaning and finishing up, telling my friend and co worker to rest up while I effortlessly did everything.

This state of grace lasted for several hours. I had immense love for everyone I saw that day, it was like I knew every single person I encountered. And I remember clearly how grief stricken I felt when I could feel the state leaving me, like a draining of my life force.


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What I learned that day was I am infinite, I do not need to fear death and that there is so much much more to this experience/incarnation than I ever dreamed of.

Thank you.

Love, Cherry


e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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