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Did EFT cure Lupus?


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Malcolm Ruddock from the UK did some research on the internet for the cause of his Taiwanese friend's Lupus (SLE). He could find no cure and no known cause. So he successfully addressed his friend's emotional issues with EFT and, one month later, his friend wrote in a letter to him that "...her Doctor had conducted a blood test and could not find any trace of SLE!" Please consult physicians on all medical issues.

Hugs, Gary


By Malcolm Ruddock

I have been using EFT since 1997, as a part time counsellor and have been self employed as a NLP coach/ Hypnotherapist since 2002.

I have a Taiwanese friend, L, who has been in contact with me and visited me.

Whilst L’s English is limited and my Chinese even more so we are able to communicate.  When L came to visit me in July she was quite tired and said she had been diagnosed with SLE – commonly known as Lupus.  The Doctor had suggested she may have had Lupus all her life.

I knew that L’s childhood had been quite traumatic and she had been adopted when she was three years old.   L was very familiar with energy meridians and used a Chinese massage that employed acupressure.   L also knew that I used EFT in my work.  

I explained that L’s Lupus could have been caused by her childhood stress and so I suggested that I take her through a process of re-visiting her childhood traumas and tapping on her EFT points so that each memory could be cleared until she would not be stressed by thinking about them again.

This explanation required some work for her to understand what I meant and for me to know that she did so.  Once that understanding was reached, we started.   I suggested the affirmation, “I love L even though I have…..” (the emotion.) and then tap on each point whilst I said the emotion and she repeated my word.     I asked L to close her eyes and go back to when she was three and she parted from her mother.  I asked her if she felt any stress as she saw her mother and left her.   L said “I feel tong.”  (I knew that “tong” meant pain.)   I asked how big is tong, where 10 is fayt hen hau tong (biggest pain) and 0 is mayo tong (no pain).  L said “10 tong”. 

Using the affirmation, “I love L even though I have fayt hen hau tong.” Whilst she rubbed her sore spot, three times, and then tapping on Eb, Oe, Ue, Cb, Ua, 8th rib, Kc Back of Hand, Top of Head whilst saying “Fayt hen hau tong.” I then asked her to close her eyes and go back to when she was three.  I asked how big is the tong, now?   L said, “Oh!  It is etien.”  (that means small.)  We repeated the protocol with “Etien tong”.  When she returned to age three L said, “No Tong it is gone.”

Then I asked L to revisit her childhood with her adoptive mother.  L said her adoptive mother had called her stupid and pinched her every day.   I asked, “How big is the tong when you see your adoptive mum pinch you and feel the pinches?”  L said, “Ten” .  We repeated the same protocol.   It took four rounds of EFT to reduce the pain to zero. 

Then I asked L to go back to her adoptive mum and hear the words “You are stupid.”   I asked how big is the tong?”  L said, “Eight”.  We repeated the protocol twice and the pain went to zero.  Then I asked L to revisit her adoptive mum and asked “Is there any other thing that causes you tong?”  L said, “She beat me.”   I said, “how big is tong when she beat you.”  L said “ten”.  It took four rounds of EFT to reduce the tong to zero.

I then asked L to go back to her adoptive mother and check if there was anything else.  L said, “I hate my mother!”  L had never expressed such a strong emotion to me before.   I said, ”This hate is very big.  You feel hate and this is tong for you. Is it OK for you to Love L and let go the hate and tong and the SLE?”   L said “OK.”.

Using the affirmation, “I love L even though I hate my mother.” We tapped on the above points.   At the conclusion I asked, “How big is your hate for your mum?”  (L used mum to mean adoptive mum)  L said “Ten.”.   (Using the ‘psychological reversal’ model):  I then had L rub her sore spot and say “I love L even if I always hate my mum.” Three times. Then,  “I love L even if I want to hate mum.” Three times.  Then, “I love L even though I still hate my mum.” Three times. Then we run the tapping sequence.  At the end I asked, “How big is the hate, now?”  L said “Eight”.  We repeated the standard protocol and the hate reduced very slowly. I recycled with the ‘psychological reversal’ model several times until the hate reached zero.  I asked L to go back to her time with her adoptive mother.  L was unable to recall any other stressors.

L was still tired and returned to Taiwan at the end of July.  

In late August I received and E mail from L.  She gave me various aspects of news, including that she felt quite well and not tired, and also said her Doctor had conducted a blood test and could not find any trace of SLE!

Whilst I cannot claim to have found a cure, or even an understanding of SLE it does seem that L’s past traumas may have been relevant in her case. If this is true, in this example, and time will tell, using EFT, which balances the body’s energy meridians by releasing stress and in any other way certainly beats waiting for whatever happens or taking drugs to stop or hide the symptoms.

Malcolm Ruddock


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