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Dietland asks an advanced question about specific events

Hi Everyone,

Dietland Wuensche asks, "What I do not understand, however, is that why – when identifying events that bothered me - should I restrict myself to specific events only. What comes up in my mind are also events that regularly bothered me." Good question. I answer it below.

e-hugs, Gary


Question: Dear Gary, after having read your online book I started to work with The Unseen Therapist last week. I am aware that I will need some practice before being able to experience concrete results.

What I do not understand, however, is that why – when identifying events that bothered me - should I restrict myself to specific events only. What comes up in my mind are also events that regularly bothered me.

If I understand you right you say that they are too general. But in my understanding those events are also specific events, even though they were repeated again and again (e.g. when I was small every meal was a torture for me because of the noisy chewing habit of my mother).

They are specific in the way that they differed from other events. Why not ask The Unseen Therapist to deal with those events too? Why eliminate them from the list in favor of events that only occurred once? I am looking forward to your answer.

Best regards, Dietlind

Answer: Hi Dietlind,

Thanks for your insightful question. Let me try to answer it.

My book, The Unseen Therapist (see links below), is introductory in nature and is designed to give you a solid foundation on the basics. Many higher level issues, such as the one your question addresses, are covered in our Near-Free Advanced Online Training.

For example, the regularly occurring events that you mention can still be broken down into specific events... maybe even several hundred of them. However, you do not need to address them all. Doing a detailed job on 3 to 10 of them with The Personal Peace Procedure (as described in the book) will likely "generalize" over all the rest and provide the freedom you seek.

Using this method, many people achieve freedom from issues like these.

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