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Does EFT Work Without This "Innovation?"

"Countless people have "revised" EFT according to their own belief systems."

Question: I know you probably get thousands of emails. So I’ll keep it short. I recently learnt EFT Tapping from someone who claims to have learnt it through mail order from you. However, he insists on combining it with several hours of his "innovation," an uninterrupted breathing technique (that he says apparently resets one’s energy). He doesn't allow me to do this breathing myself though and I always feel worse with it. I currently suffer from tightness in my face and am using EFT to resolve it. Causes: swollen turbinates, tmj, cervical). My question is, does EFT work without this breathing technique? Is this something prescribed by you?

Answer: Thanks for your note and sorry for the problem.

Please know that countless people have "revised" EFT Tapping according to their own belief systems. Some of them have learned it from my old DVDs (discontinued many years ago) and distorted that older version with "breathing techniques" and all manners of other "innovations." While I honor the enthusiasm, I have yet to find where any of these changes have improved EFT Tapping. Indeed, many have caused additional problems such as you are experiencing.

EFT, particularly our newest advancement (Optimal EFT - The Unseen Therapist), will likely help your facial tightness. However, you will need to aim at the true CAUSES and such causes are NOT the swollen turbinates, TMJ, etc. that you suggest. Rather, those are symptoms of even deeper, emotional causes. You should benefit greatly by joining our Near-Free Advanced Online Training.

Cheers, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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