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EFT Guild Presentation - EFT History, Examples, Q&A

I was invited by Gwyneth Moss, founder of the EFT Guild, to give a live presentation regarding Optimal EFT (OEFT). In it, I included its history, examples and Q&A from the EFT Guild audience. After a short intro by Anne Ryan, this video contains the entire presentation. Here are the time stamps for the topics of interest.

0:00:00 Intro

0:01:17 Gary begins and discusses (1) the history of OEFT, (2) his spiritual experience that motivated OEFT, (3) why EFT Tapping began without The Unseen Therapist, (4) quantum physics and the impossibility of separation, (5) asking The Unseen Therapist instead of undergoing extensive "Detective Work," (6) Conversational EFT, (7) the Free Will phenomenon.

0:30:00 Sejual asks about her own spiritual "messages." Gary responds.

0:37:06 Chris asks if OEFT can be used for everything. Gary responds.

0:42:22 Aminah asks about whether or not the gender of The Unseen Therapist is important AND how to introduce Her to the muslim community. Gary responds.

0:48:57 Andrea asks about the OEFT process and the metaphors that are used. Gary responds and gives thoughts about "connecting" with The Unseen Therapist.

0:58:02 Kathleena gives a positive update on her OEFT session with Gary. Gary responds.

1:02:50 Alice asks questions about the use of EFT Tapping. Gary responds.

1:06:34 Isabel asks about key elements of the OEFT process that may set it apart from other spiritual methods. Gary responds and discusses "Revolutionizing Prayer."

1:11:45 Gwyneth asks Gary several questions that were written by the audience. Gary responds.

1:17:37 Gary and Gwyneth sign off.

Please consult physicians on all medical issues.


e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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