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EFT provides instant relief for Poison Ivy itching


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Poison Ivy can cause itching for days or weeks. However, Dr. Fred Feldstein eliminated the itching for his client in minutes. Please consult physicians on all medical issues.

Hugs, Gary


By Dr. Fred Feldstein

I was working with a woman named Patti, who was interested in achieving a life goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon, which she had tried to achieve but was never successful. I told her that I could help her by removing the limiting beliefs she had about achieving this goal, by using an incredible energy technique that clears electrical energy blocks that impede her from achieving her goal in this area.

Patti was interested but very skeptical. We sat down to discuss this, and it was a courtesy consultation with no obligations. As I was explaining what we were going to do, and how the technique worked, I noticed that Patti was itching herself non-stop. I asked her what was wrong. She told me that she had gotten poison ivy all over her body and that it was pretty bad. I told her that the technique we were discussing about helping remove her limiting beliefs about qualifying for the marathon, might also be able to help with the itching of the poison ivy. Would she like to try it? She said "Please, help me!"

So, we began. She rated the itching as a constant 7-8 intensity, all over her body. I asked her which part bothered her the most. She said her leg. We started with...

"Even though I have this severe itching on my leg from poison ivy...."

We did one round of the short cut version, and i asked her to rate her itching. She looked at me with this incredibly amazed look, and said, "I don't feel it". I asked her if she didn't feel it on her leg only, or anywhere else on her body, and she said, I don't feel it anywhere. She was amazed! She asked me if the itching would be gone for good, and if it came back, could she could call me up at 3 in the morning. I told her if it happened again, that I would write down the points to tap on, and what to say, and to try it herself. She agreed.

When I spoke with her the next afternoon to find out to how she was doing, she told me that the itching didn't bother her all evening but that it came back in the middle of the night. However, she followed the tapping points that I wrote for her, and it went away immediately, and it hadn't come back. She was totally amazed.

Dr. Fred Feldstein


Reminder: For upgraded methods, please see our free and near-free TRAINING options. Also, if you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for our FREE SUPPORT (This is the Heartbeat of the Palace of Possibilities and provides live Webinars, Q&A, ideas, creativity and more). Use the icons below to share this article on Social Media. Cheers, Gary


Gary Craig, proprietor



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