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Using EFT Tapping For Serious Diseases


With EFT Tapping, we use the same approach for Serious Diseases as we do for any other issue. Does that surprise you? Did you think that this article would introduce a whole new method customized for these "impossible" cases? While you will likely find Serious Diseases challenging, you don't need to learn anything new. You will, however, need to use your skills at the topmost level to get consistent results in this arena.

Our approach is much different than that of medicine. We make the assumption that one of the major causes, if not THE major cause of all Serious Diseases is a disruption in the body's energy system and/or unresolved emotional issues. Clearly, there can be other causes, such as diet and lifestyle, but in my experience the emotional contributors to these ailments are far larger than most people think. They are almost always at the center of the ailment (my observation and experience). Some minor physical symptoms e.g. bee stings, burns, etc. often respond to just The Basic Recipe without addressing any underlying Specific Events. Just balancing the meridians seems to do the job. But this is not the case for ailments like Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Traumatic Brain Injury and an endless list of debilitating illnesses for which medicine has no real cure.

Note: None of the opinions expressed herein should be confused with medical advice. Consult your physician, get appropriate treatment, and use EFT as an aid to your healing journey. No part of this web site is intended as a substitute for medical advice, or to diagnose or treat any particular individual.

Now is a good time to review the video below. It displays a solid introduction to Serious Diseases that I did in Dallas, TX on this subject.

The method should be familiar by now. Just consider the physical disease as a large global issue that is contributed to by unresolved Specific Events. Use your skills to dive beneath the surface and bring up those Specific Events and methodically remove those Table Legs and collapse those Table Tops until the symptoms show signs of subsiding. Be persistent. Keep at it and persuade your clients to perform loads of tapping on their own.

That's it.

You will need to be nimble, however, as your clients will almost always be moving targets and shift issues on you. That's why you are advised to study our Art of Delivery videos in detail (contained in our Near-Free Advanced Online Training). They show quality EFT Tapping in action with live clients and are replete with Serious Disease sessions, including Hepatitis C, severe vaginal issues, breathing issues, Breast Cancer, pains from Childhood Abuse, Prostate Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, CFIDS, Diabetes, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Neuropathy and more.

As a review, here are a few approaches (doors) you might find useful.

Useful Approaches

Tapping directly on the symptoms: This can be a good entry technique for a new client because it often gives them a feel for what is possible. For example, start EFT Tapping with "Even though I have this numbness in my left hand....." This will often give symptomatic relief. If not, then assume there are emotional drivers behind it and ask a question like, "If there was an emotional reason for this symptom, what could it be?" This method is a starting point. Eventually, you will need to be more specific to dig out the roots of the problem.

Being Specific & Specific Events: This is often critical and represents an efficient way of resolving the problem. Most people represent their problems in a global way e.g. "I have diabetes" OR "I feel abandoned." While success can sometimes be achieved by approaching these issues in this global way, the odds improve substantially if you get to the specifics (or Specific Events) underlying the problem. Examples, "Even though I have this stabbing pain in the tip of my right shoulder" OR "Even though my mother left me alone for three days at my age 8."

The Tell the Story Technique: This is the workhorse technique that works so effectively on Specific Events. Review Tell the Story Technique.

The Movie Technique: A close cousin of the Tell the Story Technique. Review Movie Technique

Approach the symptoms through metaphors: For example, ask the client,"What does the disease look like inside your body?" or "What does your doctor tell you is going on?" Then apply EFT Tapping for that metaphor. For example, "Even though it feels like I have glue in my finger joints...."

Sneaking up on the problem: Use this when you expect underlying emotional issues to be unusually intense. Use global statements at first like, "Even though I have all these problems..." and gradually get more specific until you end up with a Specific Event such as "Even though Dad hit me when I was 8 at my birthday party...."

The Tearless Trauma Technique: This is another way of approaching an emotional problem in a gentle way. It involves having the client GUESS as to the emotional intensity rather than painfully re-live it by reliving it in a visualization. Often highly effective. Review Tearless Trauma Technique

Personal Peace Procedure: This is most useful for client homework. It involves making a long list of every bothersome Specific Event one can think of and using EFT Tapping on a daily basis to collapse them. Obviously, the more negativity that can be removed the greater the chances of peace taking over.

Emphasizing or Yelling the Words: Sometimes it is necessary to get clients more involved with their issue. This can often be accomplished by having them strongly emphasize.... or YELL ... the EFT Tapping Setup Phrases and Reminder Phrases. This can turn a "go-nowhere" session into a productive one. Review Emphasizing the Words

Questions: Here are some questions that may help getting to core issues:

  • If there was an emotional contributor to this symptom, what could it be?

  • If you had life to live over again, what person or event would you prefer to skip?

  • What would it be like to have none of your symptoms?

  • What benefits are you getting from this illness?

  • What would you have to give up if your illness went away?

  • Who or what are you most angry at?

  • Why might you deserve this illness?

  • What does this symptom remind you of?

Chasing the Pain: After applying EFT Tapping, physical discomforts can move to other locations and/or change in intensity or quality. Thus a headache described as a sharp pain behind the eyes at an intensity of 8 might shift to dull throb in back of the head at an intensity of 7 (or 9, or 3 or any other intensity level). Just keep "chasing the pain" with EFT Tapping and it will usually go to zero or some low number. In the process, you may find that emotional issues behind the discomforts also become successfully collapsed. Review Chasing the Pain

Testing: This is a very important step because, without it, both you and the client can erroneously think you are done. Whenever feasible, re-enact a bothersome memory ...OR... have the client vividly imagine (stepping into the moment and reliving it) and TRY to get upset ...OR... have the client bend, move or do whatever is necessary to bring back the symptom (without damaging themselves, of course). Look for aspects or related issues that still need attention. Review Testing Your Work

Humor: Laughter can be used to help clients make new associations regarding the "severity" of their emotional issues. It is also a form of testing because, if a client can now laugh or smile at a trauma, fear, etc., then you know you have made good progress. On the other hand, if the humor is met with scowls or intense reactions then you know you have more work to do. Review the Testing article for examples and videos using Humor

Imagine perfect health and observe tail enders: This is a good method for finding subtle emotional issues that tend to keep the ailment around. Ask the client to vividly imagine themselves in perfect health (i.e. completely without their symptoms) and then ask him or her to listen for the "tail-enders" or "yes buts" that show up as self talk. These tail enders are often clues to the real impediments to healing. Tail enders are discussed near the end of the Writing on Our Walls article.

Reframing within the Setup procedure: Reframing is a procedure often used within conventional talk therapy to help a client see their issue through different, healthier glasses. Reframes can have much more impact if done while tapping. Use the Setup portion of the EFT Tapping procedure to establish useful reframes. Get yourself out of the way and ask your intuition to apply healing through you not by you. Everyone has the intuitive abilities to do this. Success, however, depends on truly trusting that intuition. Review the Reframing and Using Intuition articles.

Daily tapping: This one is vital for Serious Diseases because it creates much needed follow-up by the clients. 10 to 20 rounds of EFT Tapping should be performed daily to keep the body's subtle energies flowing freely. An easy way for the client to remember to tap is to associate it with daily activities. For example, do rounds of tapping just before (1) eating, (2) when using the bathroom, (3) when turning the TV on and off (4) when getting in and out of the car and so on.

Appropriate Mental Sets While Using EFT for Serious Diseases

1. While we have observed some fascinating healings with EFT Tapping, we must recognize that EFT Tapping is still in its infancy and we don't know all there is to know about it yet. Thus we must maintain a state of inquisitiveness rather than assume our current procedures represent the final answer.


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2. Persistence is important. Don't be fooled by "one minute wonders" and conclude that you are done. A client can appear to be "out of the woods" for now but have other aspects and related issues show up later. Many Serious Diseases have multiple causes with many facets. Properly addressing them can be like walking through a maze where there are many apparent "dead ends." To successfully get through the maze you must often back out of one door and go in another.

3. Some Serious Diseases may include causes other than emotional, energetic or spiritual. Heart disease is a good example. While it may be improved by EFT Tapping, it is often contributed to by years of dietary insults and lack of exercise.

e-hugs, Gary

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