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Essential Intro to the Optimal EFT (OEFT) Skills

Here are the highlights of this segment of your training. I recommend you print this out for ready reference as you dig into the details of this segment.

  • The Unseen Therapist: Intro e-book for Optimal EFT. Herein lies all the basics for this advancement. It introduces...

    • Your "spiritual healer within" (The Unseen Therapist),

    • An important CAUSE for our issues,

    • Loads of results.

    • The important findings of quantum physics and why we are not separate (as it seems to appear... VERY IMPORTANT).

    • The Personal Peace Procedure.

This e-book is free to everyone but comes to life with the supporting materials/videos listed below.

  • The SHIFT method: A highly effective shortcut technique. Get reasonable results without learning all the details.

  • The 30 Advanced Lessons: These lessons begin with the OEFT basics and gradually step you into more advanced methods. Best to read them all first without taking notes or studying them in detail. This will give you a quality look at their enormous potential. Then study them in whatever detail you wish. Be sure to answer the Questions & Exercises at the end of each lesson.

  • The Self-Help Sessions: Contain over 40 hours of videos where I THOROUGHLY apply everything you have learned within OEFT to several people with VERY CHALLENGING issues. Serious students will want to study them in detail and watch them several times. In addition to being highly instructional, you can also immerse yourself within them for personal benefits. We call this process Immerse-Ucation (short for Immersing Education).

  • Over 170 Recorded Webinars: Over the years I have answered questions, brought in experts and applied OEFT to numerous issues. This has all been recorded and available to you for your perusal.

  • Tips, Hints & More: Herein are many topics that you might find useful.

e-hugs, Gary

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