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Foundational Article: Our Inner Inspiration - The Internal Fire Behind The Palace of Possibilities.

Note: This article assumes you are familiar with the ESSENTIAL INTRO to the Palace of Possibilities. [LINK]

Ultimately, the real juice within The Palace of Possibilities occurs when your own internal fire is ignited.

Call it Inspiration... or Higher Power... or Intuition... or the Genie within... or whatever you wish. The bottom line is that you have abilities that far transcend the limitations the world wants to sell you. Thus my goal here is to soar beyond conventional thinking and launch you into the wonders of...


That is one reason I often emphasize the value of subscribing to my free support. [LINK] This way you will get immediate notification whenever a new post occurs which, in turn, keeps you tuned in to these concepts and your "Inner Winner."

For those with spiritual inclinations, you might want to refer to this internal fire as God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Allah, Buddha or any other representative of the spiritual realm. That's why, in this Inspiration category, I re-introduce the term, The Unseen Therapist. It is a non-denominational term that typifies the ultimate loving source behind all religious/spiritual practices. It is used prolifically in Optimal EFT... AND... because of the more gentle nature of women... it is a SHE.

In this Inspiration category, I will explore many ideas that I have come across over the decades. Many of those flow from the following books that have been my constant companions. I often have my nose in them because, for me, they have become a waterfall of wisdom, insights and inspiration.

  • A Course In Miracles: This is my central spiritual source and, in my opinion... It Is The Most Brilliant Book Ever Written. It can be challenging reading, though, and thus it is not for everyone. Accordingly, I am not "pushing it" here. I will, however, explore many of its thought provoking concepts with you. These non-denominational concepts, regardless of your religion or spiritual practice, can open major doors within The Palace of Possibilities.

  • A Whack On The Side Of The Head: This is, by far, the most useful creative thinking book ever written. It will help pull out of you a creative Genie that is likely hidden behind the conventional thinking of the world.

  • Influence... and... Pre-Suasion: These are two books on ethical salesmanship and communications. They center on psychology and, although they focus on the salesmanship process, they do so while emphasizing ethics. No hype or sleaziness involved. The ideas involved will likely make you much more effective in everyday communications.

Links to these books, and more, are given in our Products category [LINK].

e-hugs, Gary

Where To From Here [MODULE]

Gary Craig, proprietor



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Palace of Possibilities, EFT,  OEFT,  Optimal EFT, Unseen Therapist, Gary Craig

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