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The Most Vital Factor For Financially Flourishing.

"I'm not satisfied with business pursuits that merely pay the bills in exchange for giving up my dreams." - THE MIRACLE FINDER

We will explore many unique business "How-Tos" in the Q&A posts in this Business category. But first, let's highlight the most Vital Factor in maintaining your success, namely, locating the business field you wish to occupy... the one that lets you follow your dreams.

I forgot where I first heard this question...

What would you do if you

knew you could not fail?

But it has guided my business decisions for decades. Without it, l would be withering away at a job I may not like while performing duties that may fulfill someone else's passion, not mine.

Other ways to ask this are: What is your biggest passion?... What truly juices you?... What would enthusiastically get you out of bed every morning?... What dream did you once have that you gave up on?

Suppose I were to invent a new shoelace that...

  • Fits any shoe and

  • Lasts 10 times as long as any other shoelace and

  • I could make one thousand of them for $1 (that's $.001 each) and sell them for $2 each.

I would be this planet's shoelace king. I could buy yachts, airplanes, islands and cities with my riches. Sir Shoelace... that would be me.

However, I would sell the invention to the first bidder and find something else to occupy my time.

Why? Because I have no interest in shoelaces. I don't want to wake up every morning thinking, "Oh, Gee. I get to sell more shoelaces today." No sirree, not me. Perhaps that is enticing to you but, to me, that is a sucky life. That's me being owned by the shoelace business.

I also don't want to be known as Mr. Toilet Paper or the Master of Mattresses. Those may be worthwhile products but so are thousands of other items for sale all around you. Grocery stores and shopping malls are loaded with them.

We all have different dreams. Different pursuits get our juices pumping. If shoelaces or something else like that excites you then go for it. Otherwise, pass it by.

And that's my point.

I'm not satisfied with business pursuits that merely pay the bills in exchange for giving up my dreams. I much prefer waking up each morning wondering, "Who can I help today by stimulating The Palace of Possibilities within them? Maybe today I will help a war veteran and, in the process, become the Prince of PTSD. How many people can I send on their journeys toward their dreams, better health, more love?" That excites me. In fact, just writing about it gets me going.

"But Gary," you might say, "I cannot think of any way to make my dreams come true, let alone make a profitable business out of them. How do you do that?"

Glad you asked.


Reminder - Follow A TRAINING Option: I designed this large website so that you would have an efficient way to get the most out of it. Our TRAINING options do just that by guiding you through it step-by-step. So, if you haven't already done so, select a TRAINING option and proceed. Otherwise, you can skip around and pick up a few gems off the floor. But that will ignore the full Treasure Chest available if you follow my training design.


If you haven't already done so, please read Your Miracle Finder elsewhere on this website. There you will learn that...

"The way to do whatever you want already exists. You need only tune into it."

I suggest that the reason you may have difficulty finding an occupation that fulfills your dream is that you are confining your search to that tiny slice of the Palace of Possibilities known as "your experience." This is like focusing on one cup of water while ignoring the streams, rivers and oceans that abound all around you.

We all have a part of our brain called the Reticular Formation that contains Your Miracle Finder. Use it properly and it will search the Palace of Possibilities for you and lead you right to one or more methods to follow your dreams.

This is not to say that you MUST follow your dreams in your business pursuits. Indeed, big money can be made without that. But, if you don't include them, you may someday run out of gas and wonder why.

So, what would you REALLY like to do with your life which, if it weren't for your presumed "limits," you would pursue enthusiastically? I know. I know. It may not be practical (yet). But it is a start. There's always a way.

I hope you get the pulse of this. We are stepping into Opportunity Land here.

e-hugs, Gary


e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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