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From Desperation To Hope: A Love Filled Story

“…it felt like we were in the presence of our Creator.”

"As the session was ending something was telling me from within, don´t let her pay. Instead pay her what she was to pay me. This will help her to go through the day, but above all, will transmit the message that hope could have a place in her heart. I gave her the money she should pay me for the session." Sonia Novinsky

From Gary: Sonia Novinsky, an EFT practitioner for many years and the Director of The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Center in Brazil (Portuguese language), shares this love-filled story where desperation turns to hope. Read it many times. It contains one of our richest messages.

Sonia's story: Vera was a new EFT client. She arrived in a very excited state and started crying immediately. She asked if I could charge the minimum and, of course, I agreed.

In the next two hours I learned of her abusive childhood, her amputated leg from cancer and the worthless feelings she had about herself. My empathy towards her grew because she seemed to me sincere when she said: "I lost everything, today I didn't eat, I don´t have a place to sleep tonight, and I came here even without any hope." I gave her a sandwich to eat because she was really weak and vulnerable physically. When we finished the session she seemed more organized, less chaotic and grateful.




As the session was ending something was telling me from within, don´t let her pay. Instead pay her what she was to pay me. This will help her to go through the day, but above all, will transmit the message that hope could have a place in her heart. I gave her the money she should pay me for the session.

This was a miracle moment. Both of us went instantly beyond what either of us would normally expect. I felt warm, my heart expanded and our spiritual connection transformed both of us. We both cried as this moment unfolded. But the tears were not out of desperation or pain. They were tears of love because it felt like we were in the presence of our Creator. It was an exquisite experience and more healing for both of us than any normal therapy session could provide.

My thoughts and feelings changed from the standard place of me being the paid helper to one where true hope was the message we both needed to get. The internal message I received was indeed unusual but it was undeniably the right thing to do. This is what happens during those moments when we can “get ourselves out of the way.”

She paid me back a few months later with a note saying that she was considering suicide on that day of our session but, since that time, her life had turned around. All that because of the hope that was generated for her by this simple act of love. She paid me because she wanted to. I never sent her a bill. Why should I? I received as much from this miracle as did she.

I think this is what is meant by the spiritual message that giving and receiving are the same.

Sonia Novinsky


e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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