"The stiffness was the worst. It felt like I had a 300 year old case of arthritis."
Definition of "Impossible": Where healing occurs beyond the typical reach of man-made methods.
Knees are only designed to bend forward and back.

When you bend one left to right, even by 5 degrees, you have a problem. But when you bend it left to right by 30+ degrees, you have searing pain, damaged ligaments and a major injury.
Welcome to my recent world.
It has been raining here and the local trail on which I exercise contained many patches of slippery mud. A few mornings ago my left foot hit one of those slippery spots and slid off to the left. My body instinctively tilted left to maintain balance thus putting my full body weight over my already compromised left knee. The result? I bent it left to right by at least 30 degrees.
This is the second time this has happened to me. The first was a football injury at age 18 that kept me disabled for 3 weeks. Now I am 78 and no longer retain the self-healing powers I had 60 years ago. Thus I was expecting this identical injury to require crutches and disable me for 6 to 8 weeks.
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After the injury I hobbled home, laid down on the couch and could feel my knee swell and stiffen. The stiffness was the worst. It felt like I had a 300 year old case of arthritis.
After a few hours of feeling sorry for myself, I asked The Unseen Therapist for help in healing. Since there was no apparent emotional cause for the problem, the healing was aimed at the symptom.
I brought in The Unseen Therapist for several rounds during the rest of the day. Then again before going to bed... and again when I awoke briefly in the middle of the night. The pain and stiffness gradually improved and the next morning, less than 24 hours after the injury, all traces of the knee problem VANISHED. There was a minor stiffness (perhaps a 1 or 2) in my left calf but that was all. And that left 2 days later.
This result, of course, is considered impossible by man-made methods. Pain pills, crutches, casts and lots of time are deemed necessary. Here's my video discussion.
e-hugs, Gary