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Helen Bates' Beautiful Spiritual Experience

"The sense of peace and utter belonging when you encounter this spiritual realm is beyond our ability to put in to words but one thing that I have observed is that those people who have experienced this all have an air of authenticity about them which is recognised as truth by fellow people who have experienced the same sort of thing."

My Spiritual Experience – Helen Bates

I will tell you of my direct experience of connecting to the universal energy.

I was 20 years old and I had been working flat out seven days a week for six months. One day I forgot to do something and I was shouted at. I left my place of work in tears and went home. The next day I couldn’t get out of bed. Every time I tried to stand up, when I looked out of my bedroom window the sky seemed to be falling in on me and the large oak trees looked as if they were bending over trying to stop me from moving.


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I spent the next several months unable to leave my room or bed. I managed to sit up in bed for meals and get to the bathroom. I was in a state of complete physical and mental exhaustion. Internally, my mind felt like it was tipping like a pair of scales. The feeling was terrifying, it was as if I would fall in to a deep endless black hole with no return if I allowed it to tip. I was perfectly rational and sane throughout but just in a totally helpless state.

One day, I managed to get out of my bed and I went to lie on my mother’s bed in the back room of our house. It was around mid-morning, in broad daylight and I was not asleep. In my mind I made direct contact with who we perceive to be God and I just said to him that I had had enough and that I had given everything I could to this life and I had nothing more left and that he must do with me what he liked. I asked him to simply let me die, as it had to be better than this utter torment. I will acknowledge here that my spirit felt utterly dead and I truly meant what I said. I had mentally let go of trying to hold on to this life.

Instantly, in my mind an image appeared of a tunnel of white slowly swirling cloud, with what appeared to be a path through it. I was frightened to step on to this path but I was trying not to show my fear, as I had asked God to let me die. Then out of nowhere, I was aware of someone standing next to me. I could not see any face but the figure was wearing a long white robe and had a long white beard and was walking with a staff. He simply said to me “put your hand on mine and we will walk through this together, there is no need to be afraid”. It was strange, in that I was so frightened of where this tunnel might lead and it was as if this figure understood that and almost had a mild sense of amusement by it but not in any mocking or unpleasant way, rather as if leading a small child who was frightened by the dark. I was 20 years old at the time and I am now 56 and I still have a sense of the utter gentleness and love that was emanating from this image as if it were a moment ago.

When the experience was over, I had a deep sense that nothing that goes on here in the physical world such as jobs or money matters at all in the grand scheme of things. I was also aware that the image of the loving source had been presented to me in such a way that would bring comfort but that it was not its true image.

I was awake throughout the entire time and it was mid-morning. I had no concept of how much time had passed but I suspect a matter of seconds as we measure things. I then went downstairs to my mother and I told her what had happened and for the first time since being ill, I knew with certainty that I would recover. The power that entered me was both outside of myself and yet more a part of me than anything that I have ever known before or since. It literally restored my tired, dead soul back to life. I didn’t instantly leap off the bed. It took three months for me to be fully functioning again

For the record, I had not seen a doctor or taken any drugs whatsoever during this entire time. I am also not a churchgoer or outwardly religious in anyway but if I have ever wanted to pray or ask for help with something, I have always communicated with God directly using my mind but this experience has only ever happened to me once but equally I have not been as ill since.


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The sense of peace and utter belonging when you encounter this spiritual realm is beyond our ability to put in to words but one thing that I have observed is that those people who have experienced this all have an air of authenticity about them which is recognised as truth by fellow people who have experienced the same sort of thing. I recognised this in your book, which is why you are the first person that I have told outside of family and close friends.

Once again Gary, thank you very much indeed for your kindness and support.

Kind regards,



e-hugs, Gary

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