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Hip & Leg Pains Fade As A Result Of Emotional Work

"Now she just enjoys being out every day walking and cycling"

Gratitude to Carmen Grohs-Lugschitz for her solid work.

Note: Name of client withheld for privacy reasons.

Lady A sent me a message, that she had pains in her left hip and going down over the knee to the foot. She lives about 500km from my place. We got in contact on the phone and worked with the Unseen Therapist. We started with just the symptoms so she could relax.

From the high level of 8, her hip and leg pains went down to a 5 and 4. This allowed her to get up again and walk much easier. It took us about 30 minutes to get this result.




On the next evening I called her to find out about her day's conditions. She was able to go for a walk and to do a bicycle ride -- some pains were still there. So that evening we worked on the "background emotions." Right from childhood her younger brother was very jealous of her and tried to be rude to her and her friends. This produced anger right to the very present. We worked on these subjects that were at level 6 and afterwards I asked her about the hip - leg pains - they had practically disappeared.

Now and then they come up again. She had an appointment to see about deeper joint problems through X-rays, but nothing negative came out. Now she just enjoys being out every day walking and cycling... The lady is about 75 years old. Note from GC: Recurrence is not unusual. Just gives notice that there is more to do and allows us to be more thorough.

Carmen Grohs-Lugschitz


e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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