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How Do I Measure My Spinal Subluxation Intensity?

Question: I have a spinal subluxation condition, painful when I stand or walk, but no pain sitting or lying down. How can I use the system if I cannot put a number (0-10) if I am sitting in my desk (without pain) but strong pain when I stand up or walk.

I also have high ocular pressure that might lead to loss of sight. But there is no pain (so far). How do I deal with that situation?

Answer: The surface answer to your pain question is easy: First, assess the 0-10 pain when you are standing or walking. Then sit down and do an Unseen Therapist session for that pain. When done, stand up or walk and see if the pain has improved.

However, because you are aiming at symptoms (pains), the result, if any, is likely to be temporary or partial.

The deeper and more useful answer for your spinal and ocular issues involves addressing the CAUSES, not the symptoms, with EFT. I have seen repeatedly for over 20 years that the actual CAUSES, or at least major contributors, behind our various ailments are the negative emotions (e.g. guilt, anger, fear, resentment, worry, doubt, etc.) that we all collect over a lifetime. Eventually, they show up physically in multitudes of forms (including spinal and ocular issues). The Optimal EFT process for this is amplified in detail in the Personal Peace Procedure in my free intro e-book book, The Unseen Therapist. It takes aim at the emotionally charged specific events from your past and, properly done, can bring peace to your system and healing to your issues. I urge you to spend time with it.

Chances are, however, that the severity of your issues may require an advanced application. The book is simply an introduction and cannot be expected to provide answers for all challenging issues. That requires more training. The links to my book and other possibilities are given below.

Hope this helps, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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