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How To Break The "Performance Ceiling": ERASING The Real "Stoppers" That Keep You Where You Are.

Your Perceived "Performance Ceiling"

We all have perceived "Performance Ceilings," although we may not call them that.

Let's begin with a basketball example while understanding that the same principles apply for any human pursuit.

Why do some professional basketball players shoot over 90% from the free throw line while others shoot a mere 60%? As I write this, I'm in my 80's and I can shoot waaaay better than 60%. So can most high school basketballers. Why do some pros, who are paid millions, underperform so dramatically?

It's for the same reason that...

  • Some public speakers "choke" under some circumstances.

  • Some singers can't seem to hit that high (or low) note when they want.

  • Some golfers repeatedly stay in the same handicap zone despite major efforts to improve.

  • Some surgeons or musicians get the "yips" (involuntary movements) and fail at their craft.

All of these examples, and many more... from school grades to sexual functioning... are the result of hitting an invisible "Performance Ceiling." It's as though there are some magical brakes being applied when we try to "go to that next level."

The frustrating thing about this is that, in most instances, we KNOW we are capable of those higher achievements. For example...

  • Our 60% basketball free thrower, for example, may shoot over 80% in practice but, when game time comes, s/he falls back to 60%. Why?

  • Or a golfer may have a fabulous front nine, shooting 6 strokes under his/her "usual" score, typically blows the back nine and comes off the course with an overall score that reflects where s/he "belongs." Why?

  • Or a student who is, at the core, as intelligent as anyone else, but doesn't "get" math and/or other topics. Grades are poor in this area because of this perceived "Performance Ceiling." Yet that student can read, spell and play the piano (music involves a mathematical science) as well as anyone else. Why?

The Problem

If you recall our "My Consistent Thoughts Become My Reality" intro to The Palace of Possibilities, you will see that the real problem here is NOT our "inadequacies." Rather, it is that we have been conditioned to see ourselves as limited in many ways. This conditioning is reflected in our consistent thoughts which, in turn, become our reality. Remember how we succinctly stated it...

Our Consistent Thoughts Become Our Reality

We see that here in spades. Although I cannot display every conceivable consistent limiting thought here please explore this list to see if any of them may apply to you. Chances are several of them are right on target.

  • There is somehow, somewhere a "perceived penalty" if you break your "performance ceiling." What might it be for you? Might you think you will lose someone's love or admiration? Do you think you will need to keep improving and thus risk the label of "falling short yet again."

  • You think you will be seen as a show-off and/or don't want the perceived responsibility of being "on top" in your circle of friends of team mates.

  • You have somehow developed the perceived notion that you do not deserve success.

  • It is not religious or spiritual to stand out like that.

  • You can still hear the echoes of your parents, coaches, peers, and others. telling you what is right or wrong... what you can or cannot do... your shoulds and should nots... your musts and must nots, etc.

These and many more like them are, of course. the writings on your walls. They are the "stoppers" that keep you where you are. They are fictions... fairy tales that have reality only in your thinking.

The Remedy

This entire website is dedicated to erasing those fictions so that the true, unlimited you can bubble up to the top. That is why I repeatedly stress the importance of being guided through this Palace of Possibilities via one of our TRAINING options. This way you can learn Step-by-Step, how to discover and erase those stoppers.


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e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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