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"I Am Not A Body, I Am free"

This is a central concept in Optimal EFT and vital to our ultimate goal.


"I am not a body, I am free"

I can hear it now. "What do you mean, I'm not a body? Of course I'm a body. This is obvious. Come on, Gary, have you fallen out of your tree?"

I realize this idea may be a stretch for most belief systems and thus it may be too far "out there" for you. But if we are to truly investigate new territory, we MUST step outside conventional thinking and venture beyond the "obvious." No telling what we may find.

Bodies are the home of the senses and thus are the main players in the illusion of separation that we have so painstakingly pointed out in this series. Our senses erroneously report that the world is made up of countless things, each competing for our attention. This includes, of course, other bodies.

So, to begin our exploration, let's think about what would happen if there were no bodies.

Without bodies there would be no physical needs and thus things like hunger, disease, trauma and death would have no meaning. Without bodies every business on the face of the earth would have no customers and money would be useless. Without bodies there would be no politicians and no governments. Indeed, there would be nothing to govern. Without bodies there would be no impediment to the awareness of Love's presence because all concerns about the individual self would vanish. This leaves only Love. What else would there be?  What else would you truly want?

Almost everything we do or think involves the body in some way. Check out your thoughts. Don't they shift from finances to prestige to survival and ricochet endlessly amongst everything in between? And don't most of these have to do with your body's comfort or well being in some way?

We believe we are imprisoned

We believe we are imprisoned within the body's walls of flesh and thereby limited at every turn. We are dependent on food, air, water and shelter. We are subject to hurricanes, earthquakes and natural disasters of every kind. We are confined to the laws of gravity, economics and physics. We must eat other living things to survive only to eventually be consumed ourselves by worms (burial) or fire (cremation).

Fortunately, the World Beyond Our Senses is completely free of the body and thus completely free of all limits. In that state there is only the growing power of love with nothing to block its infinite expansion. This is the essence of (1) Quantum Physics, (2) my Revelation (and that of others) and (3) an evolving number of spiritual disciplines. Accordingly, this idea becomes an integral part of our goal. In essence, our ability to remove the blocks to the awareness of love's presence within (The Unseen Therapist) is dependent upon the extent to which we can escape from the mental confines of our "body belief."

Does this mean that we must forsake our bodies in order to reach our goal? I think not. Rather, it is an option. As we become more aware of our Unseen Therapist within, our experience of the body shifts AWAY from something that cries out to satisfy an endless number of needs TOWARD a means of communication wherein other people sense our evolvement as possibilities for themselves. We become models of personal peace and, once attained, that elevated level of love becomes contagious and spreads everywhere.

This is exciting. This is how we shift the world from turmoil to tranquility. How many does it take to do this? Eventually everyone. But a handful of truly evolved people can bring multitudes along the path. And those multitudes can bring more multitudes until everyone is on board. And then, who needs bodies?

Like I've often said, we are on the ground floor of a Healing High Rise. And we will reach the ultimate Penthouse when we can truly say, "I am not a body, I am free."

e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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