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"Impossible" Calming of Special Needs Children

" ...within moments, all the commotion calmed down."

Definition of "Impossible": Where healing occurs beyond the typical reach of man-made methods.

Linda Corvec shares how she used The Unseen Therapist to calm down special needs children on a bus. She is a professional bus driver and her passengers are 3 and 4 year old children with ailments such as Down Syndrome and Autism.

These children become unusually distraught on the bus because they are in a strange (to them) environment and away from the security of their home and parents.

As a result, they cry and scream with intense emotion. The emotional intensities feed on each other thereby creating havoc and serious disturbances for everyone, including Linda.

However, as a beginning student of Optimal EFT, she thought to bring in The Unseen Therapist (surrogately) in behalf of the children and, within moments, all the commotion calmed down. She has done this numerous times and two minutes is the longest it has taken to replace all this chaos with peace. This sort of rapid relief (each time within two minutes) is considered "impossible" with man-made methods.

And... rather than stop the bus and pull over to invite The Unseen Therapist, she does this while driving. Very convenient. Very simple. No need to interrupt the driving schedule and be late.

This, of course, is a form of Conversational EFT, taught in our Near-Free Advanced Online Training, that can be highly effective for individuals as well as groups.

Learn more from this video interview with Linda (click the play button in the blank screen below.



e-hugs, Gary

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