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"Impossible" Healing of Asthma and Numbness

"... asthma-free for almost 2 years now."

Definition of Impossible: Where healing occurs beyond the typical reach of man-made methods.

Bobbe Perry tried various remedies for her asthma and the numbness in her hands... but nothing worked. The Unseen Therapist, however, did the "Impossible." for her. Her letter and video interview follow.


Hi Gary,

Our last work together almost 2 years ago [with The Unseen Therapist] centered around asthma that I had for over 30 years. Our work cleared the issues behind it and I have not experienced it since, asthma-free for almost 2 years now.

We originally worked years ago on numbness in my hands and fingers and since starting the training with the Near-Free Advanced Online Training last November, the numbness has improved tremendously. Most days none at all, occasionally minor occurrence. To put a number on it, I would say it’s 90% better. It’s just showing me there’s more work to do. I don’t work on the symptom, just clearing out what’s hiding in my personal "baggage closet."

My heart is filled with gratitude for you and all you do for us to learn and help you develop this process. I see how it has grown with all the feedback, helping us on our way to become in tune with the Infinite as the Unseen Therapist guides our way.

Thank you, Thank You, Thank YOU!

Bobbe Perry




e-hugs, Gary

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