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Impressive Kidney Disease Recovery

"This is actually a HUGE (positive) decline for me as it hadn't moved downward in 2.5 years!"

Intro from Gary: Bruce Hinson was headed for Kidney Dialysis or Transplantation. His lab results continued to deteriorate over many years and thus placed him in front of the "Door to Dialysis" (my term). He turned to Sheri Baker to explore healing from within (using OEFT and The Unseen Therapist) and, after only three sessions, the lab results showed dramatic improvements. There is, of course, more to do but he is finally headed in the right direction.

To my knowledge, these impressive results are rarely, if ever, seen in conventional medical circles. In addition, OEFT and The Unseen Therapist provide their relief without the use of drugs, surgeries, radiation or other invasive techniques. Here are the details...


Hi Gary,

A client of mine sent the following email to me detailing some of his recent lab results related to the kidney disease he has been wrestling with for several years. Thought you would be interested in seeing what we both consider to be fantastic results, especially after only three OEFT sessions. I send this to you with my client's permission to share his success with others.

With love, Sheri


Hi Sheri,

I wanted to share my recent lab results with you. The following three 'snapshots' show some real improvement in just the short time (three OEFT sessions) that we worked together with The Unseen Therapist.

The Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is the measurement used to determine kidney function, the rate at which kidneys filter blood. My GFR had been in decline fairly steadily for many months. The level to be listed for transplantation is a reading of 20 or below. The level where it is considered imperative that one begins dialysis is a reading of 15. In fact, I had been told to 'save' my arm (for dialysis) as this was imminent. Basically, patients with a reading of 15 or less have lost almost all ability to function and will need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live. I am very happy to report that my reading moved UPWARDS from 21 to 23 in just the short time that we worked together with The Unseen Therapist!




Another parameter was the Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) test which measures the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood, one of the markers to see how well the kidneys are functioning. The BUN has declined from 61 to 52 (normal is 7-22). This is actually a HUGE decline for me as it hadn't moved downward in 2.5 years!

The last test was for the creatinine level (here is the start of the long story) which was never back into range since my collapses into coma and my liver transplantation in 2003. It had held just out of range (0.03-1.4) for a long time and in the last year or so had gone from 1.9 all the way up to 3.06. I am really happy to report that this latest lab test showed it is now at 2.56, a real jump downwards towards normal range.

THANK YOU to you and The Unseen Therapist!

Bruce Hinson


e-hugs, Gary

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Gary Craig, proprietor



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