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Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Here's a useful idea by Alexander Welch of the UK. It should be helpful to many.

Hugs, Gary


By Alexander Welch

Hi Gary

I have been thinking a lot about negatives recently, following a rather difficult session with a new client.  Let's call her Susie.

Susie rang me to arrange an appointment, but did not tell me any details of her problem over the telephone.  When I arrived at her home, she told me that she had been out the previous Monday evening and had gambled £1000 on one-armed bandits, not for the first time apparently.  She had not told her husband, and did not feel she ever could.

When we started working on the issue, she burst into tears and could not even say the phrase “I totally and completely accept myself.”  She said she didn't think it and certainly couldn't believe it.  So we changed the statement to “Even though I don't believe it...” After a few rounds, that became, “Even though I don't believe it yet...”  Sure enough, by the end of the session she could say it, and believe it.

It has occurred to me that with some clients, all we have to work with at the start of therapy is the negative, especially if there is depression involved, which, let's face it, there usually is. 

Working with the negatives can easily become positives, especially where beliefs are concerned.  Even though I don't believe this can work..., Even though I don't want this to work..., Even though I think this is utter nonsense... and so on.  Using the clients’ own language can bring laughter and lowers resistance.  The addition of that little word “yet” paves the way for deep healing.

In the UK, although EFT is becoming more and more known as an effective therapy, it is still common to encounter really strong scepticism, especially at the beginning of therapy.  Tapping on the negatives can really make a profound difference.

Every blessing

Alexander Welch


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Gary Craig, proprietor



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