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Jean Hutchinson's Spiritual Experience

Intro by Gary: Read on as Jean Hutchinson describes her experience with our ultimate spiritual reality. She says, “You can come in if you like” and it did. It came right into my body and the feeling of love and emotion was so strong I could feel it, especially in my solar plexus area and my chest bone. I then felt myself grow enormous. I got wider and taller and was huge. It felt amazing.

Jean's story: Tuesday 6th December 2011

“I lay on the sofa about 3.20 and dozed off. Came to about 3.45. I was awake and just lying quietly. I then saw this pure white light, like a bubble, and the light was bursting out all around the bubble. The bubble came right up to my face and I could see a figure in a white dress with a waistband and shoulder straps, then it touched my nose and fell back.


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It came up a second time and seemed to come into my face a little way and then fell back again. It came up a third time and came even more into my face and I said “You can come in if you like” and it did. It came right into my body and the feeling of love and emotion was so strong I could feel it, especially in my solar plexus area and my chest bone. I then felt myself grow enormous. I got wider and taller and was huge. It felt amazing.

I then came back to my normal size and there was this little boy; I felt from the Dickensian times from the way he was dressed in a cap and breeches to just below the knee. He was a cripple and he was very thin and appeared to be wasting away. He had a pair of handmade crutches on the ground beside him.

I leant over him and touched him and he was instantly healed and became whole. A normal little boy with blond hair. He was so excited. He was told by the entity, that was just white light, that he had to give me something so we had an exchange of energies. He could only find some twigs on the ground which he picked up and gave to me.

Next I turned around to a huge fir tree and just touched it and it was all decorated and covered with light. It was amazing.

The entity then said I had to give an exchange of energies as well and said that for me it was that I would love everyone, to which I agreed. I had to go down on one knee to do this and it was quite something.


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I came back with weird feelings and a feeling in my chest that lasted for 2 – 2 ½ hours gradually fading. I was not as elated as I normally would have been and cannot put how I felt into words but it was an okay feeling. Went to bed early as I felt really tired and hoping for the next "installment.”

Best wishes, Jean Hutchinson


e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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