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Laughing in the wind

Hi Everyone,

Lindy says, "I know there were myriads of things I was supposed to worry about but in that moment, all there was was this incredible wind blowing all those worries away. The words that came to me were simple..."Everything is fine." And I actually tried to think of something that was wrong in my life but couldn't. I remember laughing in the wind as I tried and failed to think of ONE thing wrong in my life *even though, the day before I could have rattled off a shopping list of worries). It blew past my ears in a way that made a wonderfully comforting sound."

e-hugs, Gary


Hi Gary,

As you described an "Unusual Experience" in your Optimal EFT materials, this moment from my past came back in vivid feelings. It has been the best moment of my life. I am nearing 54 years now, but this experience happened in my mid 20's. I had 2 amazing children, a boy and a girl...and I was in no hurry to have more. My best friend had tried for many years to have a baby, but it never happened for her. She told me she was thinking very seriously about adopting an Asian baby and I remember, very vividly, that words started spilling out of my mouth to the effect of..."That's ridiculous! I have 2 kids...one of each flavor...and I don't want anymore...I'll have a baby for you."


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It was an amazing no-brainer and we set about putting it in motion with no difficulties. A few months before I was to deliver this beautiful baby girl. I remember walking across the dirt road in our tiny desert town. The wind blows there often and usually when it does, we generally don't get out in it because the wind is not very friendly in those parts. So the wind was blowing and I was hurrying across the street from my friends house to mine when all of a sudden something made me stop right there in the middle of the road and face right into the strong wind. It was a feeling like I'd never felt before.

I know there were myriads of things I was supposed to worry about but in that moment, all there was was this incredible wind blowing all those worries away. The words that came to me were simple..."Everything is fine." And I actually tried to think of something that was wrong in my life but couldn't. I remember laughing in the wind as I tried and failed to think of ONE thing wrong in my life (even though, the day before I could have rattled off a shopping list of worries). It blew past my ears in a way that made a wonderfully comforting sound

I stretched my arms out wide to feel more of this amazing wind and faced straight into its strength ... just feeling it ... the perfect moment...the (and now after reading a bit of your words I know it was...) love. Tears were streaming down my face as the minutes passed. I wasn't sad...I wasn't happy...I was just calm and being in the moment. Perhaps I was rejoicing? (I don't use that word often but maybe that's what it was.)

I was very conscious of the life in my belly and thought at the time that it had something to do with the gift I was giving to my friend. (although, at the time, I didn't think of it as a gift. It just simply was something that needed to happen). In the last 30 years, recalling "My Amazing Wind" always brings back tears of joy...I can almost feel it again. For years, whenever there was a similar wind, I tried to face into it to feel that full incredible feeling again. It sort of happened once, but really never again, but the memory of it makes me smile every time. I count this as my only deep "religious" experience (for lack of a better word).


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For an ex manic worry wart like myself the words are still comforting..."Everything is fine."



e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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