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Lessons From A Rose

  "Can we serve our fellow roses and see that their joy is ours?"

The Stairway to Miracles

Multitudes of Models: In this world, we are given multitudes of models for personal peace but, alas, we tend to ignore them. As examples, we could model trees rivers, clouds, feathers, breezes or even bananas. These models are all around us and perfectly content to just be what they are. No resistance, no complaints, no striving to be something else or to be "better" or "superior." As a result, they live in a state of peace. 

I envy them. 

The rose: One of my models is a rose. It starts as a seed and eventually becomes a bud. This is a quiet, natural process. No need to be in a hurry or to be the "best rose on the bush." 

As the bud opens, it floods the surroundings with its beauty and aroma. To human eyes, it stands in glory. To itself, however, it is just doing what roses do. Its purpose is to contribute to a system of life... an exquisite Oneness... and it does its part just as it was designed to do. 

The rose doesn't need therapy or surgery to enhance its life. Nor does it bother to compete with orchids, walnut trees or anything else. It is just part of the Oneness which provide a loving beauty far beyond the pursuits of our individual egos. No need to mess with the system. Just be a rose. That's it. 

I think we should take some lessons from a rose.

Can you imagine roses fighting with each other where some try to soak up more nutrients and become bigger and better at the expense of its siblings on the bush? The result would be one or two impressive roses with a bunch of sickly ones surrounding it. The abundance of life for all roses would suffer and the larger bush would become less attractive. 

And, as with humans, Oneness would fade from sight. 

Being roses:Can we be roses and, while we are here, simply serve the Oneness of life? Can we step back from the ego and see beyond the perceived thorns of other human roses? Can we serve our fellow roses and see that their joy is ours?

That is not only possible but, in the long run, it is our only choice. It is the only way to find true joy and live stress free lives. 

The Unseen Therapist leads us in that direction. 

e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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