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Lifelong car sickness disappears--but only after using EFT on the real issue


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Lucy Grace Yaldezian used EFT on her lifelong car sickness symptoms to no avail. Then she used some common sense to discover the real issue and the problem disappeared immediately.

Hugs, Gary


By Lucy Grace Yaldezian, CHT, CHC

Ever since I can remember, I've gotten carsick. As a small child, I apparently threw up all over a dignitary seated with me in the backseat. From then on, my father drove to the mountains at night, while I slept. My parents missed a lot of scenery that way, but at least the car - and its passengers -- stayed clean.

As an adult, I learned that as long as I was driving, my husband and I could indeed go wine tasting in the Anderson Valley and out to Mendocino without mishap. But try it as a passenger and the hue of the picture would change from rosy to greenish within minutes.

Since learning EFT, I of course tried to "tap" on the various symptoms at various times. Tapping on the queasiness, the stomach upset or that plain old dreadful feeling definitely did not do the trick. So, I just figured that my car sickness was simply more powerful than EFT.

This time when my husband and I headed out to the Anderson Valley and our annual Mendocino get-away, I decided to try something different. Remembering Gary Craig's admonition that if EFT doesn't work, it's more a failure on the part of the practitioner to find the correct thing to tap on than any failure on the part of the technique to be effective, I purposely did not take the driver's seat as we exited from 101 North to 128 West.

Instead, I thought about the difference between driving and being a passenger. Why would driving make a difference? I thought of the notion of being in control of the car as a driver but not as a passenger and started tapping on, "Even though I'm not in control, I choose to remain fine," as the set-up, and "I'm not in control," as the sequence.

And guess what . IT WORKED! I made it all the way to the coast and up the coast to our weekend destination, without a problem. I couldn't stop gushing about it.

Then, days later, still in a state of awed disbelief, I insisted that we take an even curvier road back from the coast to 101 on the way home. Again, I tapped on "Even though I'm not in control . "and again, NO CAR SICKNESS!

So, now I have my very own incredible EFT success story to share with my clients. And, I have a first-hand muscle-memory of how good it feels to have a life-long problem just stop being a problem. What an experience! And, what a great blessing.

All the best, Lucy Grace Yaldezian, CHT, CHC


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Gary Craig, proprietor



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