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Live Classes Option - Non Certification: (1) High Level EFT Tapping Training and (2) OEFT Boot Camp. Teacher With More Than 35 Years Experience.

REQUIRED PREREQUISITE: To register and/or apply for these classes you must first be a member of our Near-Free Advanced Online Training.

Note: This option is very High-End instruction for EFT Tapping but is not Certification. It is an intermediate choice for serious students who wish to have live instruction to improve their command of EFT Tapping. The Certification level is optional (not required) but leads you to ultimate mastery.

Intro From Gary

This is for dedicated EFT students who want live classes to assist their move toward mastery.

For many students, your Near-Free Advanced Online Training more than meets your needs. The in-depth instructions, videos, etc., take you by the hand and move you up our Stairway to Miracles to levels beyond what you would learn from several years at esteemed universities such as Stanford or Harvard.

Your next step, if you choose, is to attend live classes with a first class instructor.

So let me introduce you to Sheri Baker, my dear friend of many years and my personal spiritual mentor. Among her many gifts, Sheri is an extraordinary teacher, with more than 35 years of experience working with The Unseen Therapist, who can clarify anyone's journey up our Stairway to Miracles. She is particularly good at EFT Tapping and Optimal EFT, the most effective ERASERS of those "Consistent Thoughts That Have Become Your Reality."

While Sheri consults with me on the content of her live classes, I cannot ask her to donate her time for free (or near free) as I have done throughout the rest of this website. So, if your budget allows, I highly endorse her classes and urge you to consider them. Below, in Sheri's words, are the contents of her classes, together with pricing and other details.

e-hugs, Gary


Intro From Sheri: As Director of The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Center — English language, it is my privilege to train others to utilize this powerful energy healing technique.

At this time, all classes are taught by me online via Zoom, so no travel time and related expenses are required. If you’d like to know more about my background, you may wish to click the link to “About Sheri Baker.

If you have any questions about the training options, you may contact me via email: sheribaker29@gmail.com.

Live Classes To Guide Your Journey Through Official EFT Tapping

Gold Standard EFT Tapping - Tier 1

Goal: To acquire a basic knowledge of how to perform Gold Standard EFT Tapping as developed and currently updated by EFT founder Gary Craig.

Curriculum Overview: EFT Highlights; What is EFT; Why is EFT So Important; Origins of EFT; Discovery Statement; Uses of EFT; The Basic Recipe; Intensity Meter; Constricted Breathing Technique; Impediments to Perfection; A Format For Using EFT; Abreactions; Value of Persistence and Being Specific; Tabletop and Legs Metaphor; Being Global to Take the Edge Off; Generalization Effect; Using EFT for Children; Importance of Testing; Association and Dissociation; Practical Applications.

Total Class Time: 12 hours

Prerequisite: Paid Membership

Certification Acquired: None. Graduates receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Investment: $400


Gold Standard EFT Tapping - Tier 2

Goal: While Tier 1 training for Gold Standard EFT Tapping focuses on how to do EFT, Tier 2 training goes more in depth into how to use EFT.

Curriculum Overview: Review key foundational highlights from Tier 1; Personal Peace Procedure; Writing on Our Walls; Affirmations and Tail Enders; Additional Tapping Points; Rambling Language; Resistance; Cognitive Shifts; Reframing; Tell the Story Technique; The Movie Technique; Tearless Trauma Technique; Chasing the Pain; Emphasizing the Words; Finding Core Issues; Testing Results; Practical Applications.

Total Class Time: 12 hours

Prerequisite: Tier 1 training (see above) from The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Center — English language. Completion of 25 EFT practice sessions between Tiers 1 and 2.

Certification Acquired: None. Graduates receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Investment: $400


Gold Standard EFT Tapping - Tier 3

Goal: This tier of training in Gold Standard EFT Tapping goes more deeply into tapping and healing principles, preparing the student for the possibility of professionally delivering EFT Tapping to others.

Curriculum Overview: Review key foundational highlights from Tiers 1 and 2; Art of Delivery; Principles of Healing; Addressing various issues with EFT; Delivering EFT in Groups; Borrowing Benefits; Surrogate Tapping; Conversational EFT; Overcoming Challenges to Success; Conducting EFT by Phone vs Online Platforms; Practical Applications; Practitioner Ethics and Code of Conduct; Optimal EFT/Unseen Therapist Preview.

Total Class Time: 12 hours

Prerequisite: Tiers 1 and 2 training (see above) from The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Center — English language. Completion of 25 practice sessions between Tiers 2 and 3.

Certification Acquired: None. Graduates receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Investment: $400


Communicating With The Unseen Therapist - OEFT Boot Camp

Goal: This training is targeted to advanced students of Optimal EFT, with a focus on elevating communication with our spiritual healer within, The Unseen Therapist. As the Boot Camp title implies, it involves very intensive, practical learning in a relatively short period of time.

Curriculum Overview: Foundational principles of healing; Understanding who and what The Unseen Therapist is and isn’t; Going deeper into the Optimal EFT Personal Peace Procedure; Discerning the difference between the two voices: The Unseen Therapist and ego; Resistance and other challenges to healing; Rewards of reframing, and exploration of the most powerful healer and preventive medicine of all — true forgiveness.

Total Class Time: 12 hours

Prerequisite: Targeted to advanced students of The Optimal EFT Course, having completed at least the 30 advanced lessons from the Near-Free Advanced Online Training and read The Unseen Therapist e-book. Recommended to have a working knowledge of the basic structure of EFT Tapping as outlined in the Gold Standard EFT Tapping tutorial.

Certification Acquired: None. Graduates receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Cost: $500

Again, if you have questions, please contact Sheri at sheribaker29@gmail.com.

Gary Craig, proprietor



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