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Looking waaay in the past for the cause of a physical symptom


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Paul Kay, from the United Kingdom, had difficulty getting results with his client's "locking hand" until a past life regression revealed the core issue. After using EFT for that memory, the problem subsided. Please consult physicians on all medical issues.

Hugs, Gary


By Paul Kay

Hi Gary,

This article concerns a lady I treated in October of last year. She had been suffering pain in her right shoulder and arm for 3 years. Three cortisone injections had not made any difference to it. She also had a problem with her hand that would keep locking, sometimes several times a day.

This had been a problem for seven years and neurological tests at the hospital had revealed nerve damage from her neck to be the cause. There was nothing which could be done for it and she would just have to live with it!

We began working with a general set up phrase such as "even thoughI I have this pain in my neck", "even though I have this pain in my right shoulder..." She said her shoulder felt a little easier.

We then got more specific (an anatomy book is very helpful here) working on the muscles around the shoulder, working on the median, radial and ulnar nerves, the brachial plexus etc. We also worked on an abandonment issue which came up concerning her father and sister who had both died of brain tumours and she revealed a scare of her own 12 months before her hand problem began.

The shoulder was feeling much better, and at the end of the second session she reported that movement was pain free. A good result in itself, but I still wanted to see if we could improve the locking in her hand.

During the next session we concentrated soley on her hand, working on the muscles, the nerves supplying the hand etc. Progress was very slow until we mentioned about forgiving people in this lifetime and any other life times. This hit big time. She described it as a light coming on and sawvarious colours. She said that a blue light seemed to enter into her arm.

The following week she said that her hand felt somewhat easier, but the locking was still causing problems. I then decided to do a past life regression under hypnosis. The cause of her problem became evident. (She had been a captured soldier, a chain around her wrist kept pulling tight and every time it did her hand would lock up).

We tapped on this while she was in hypnosis and reliving the past life. We did two sessions on this and her symptoms cleared up. It is now 8 months later, i called her yesterday to see how she was doing and she says she is fine, the symptoms have not returned. EFT is such a wonderful healing modality and I look forward to seeing just what boundaries we can continue to push back.

Paul Kay


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Gary Craig, proprietor



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