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Lovability Issues And Tennis Elbow Vanish At The Same Time

Note from Gary: Karen Kelley, as a Member of our Near-Free Advanced Online Training , recently spent some quality time with The Unseen Therapist regarding her lovability issue. The result was dramatic. Not only did her lovability shift big time but her tennis elbow of 5 years standing vanished along with it. Here's how she tells it...

Hi Gary,

After yesterday's pure gift from Unseen Therapist of a major cognitive shift resulting in the change of belief from I'm not loveable to I AM loveable, today I woke up without any tennis elbow pain in my left elbow after 5 years of having that pain. I had previous physical therapy (2 rounds), an injection, surgery, more Physical Therapy, and nothing helped it. I'm thrilled with the Unseen Therapist and her gifts to me. Of course, your gift of this process to us makes it possible to receive these cognitive shifts. Many thanks and much.

Love, Karen


e-hugs, Gary

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Gary Craig, proprietor



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