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Gary Craig's "Medical University"

Featuring: The Eleven Word Text Book

How dare I propose a Medical University.

After all, I have no medical training whatsoever... never even had a course in anatomy. Rather, I'm a Stanford trained engineer and, of course, know something about math, physics and the hard sciences.

But I am clueless about drugs, surgeries, radiation and the like.

Yet, despite my obvious medical shortcomings, I DO have a refreshingly different approach. My methods (EFT Tapping and Optimal EFT) have been responsible for, or played an impressive role in, more healings than any doctor I know.

Now let's back up a bit and look at some of the COMMON SENSE CONCEPTS behind Gary Craig's Medical University...

The human body is built to heal itself. Unless something interferes with the process, the brain is the perfect pharmacy and knows exactly what natural chemicals (drugs) to dispense and in what order and amounts. Further this pharmacy is free.

Here are two things that can interfere with the natural healing process:

  • Negative emotions such as anger, resentment, guilt, fear, worry and doubt. Everyone collects buckets full of these health bandits over their lifetimes and, as any doctor will tell you, they create cascades of "negative chemistry" (my term) that demands the resources of your immune system. Until these negative emotions are resolved (which EFT Tapping and Optimal EFT can do nicely), they will continue to collect and require more of the immune system's resources. This, in turn, opens the doors to disease.

  • Overwhelm the body with tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sugar, pesticides, additives and other unnatural "foods." These are your choices, of course, but EFT Tapping and Optimal EFT can help you to overcome these destructive behaviors.

Our Eleven Word Text Book: So we come now to a simple and common sense statement behind Gary Craig's Medical University. It is an eleven word text book that says...

"The Natural Remedy For Our Diseases

Is To Stop Causing Them"

That's it. Simple. Free. No medical licenses required. Available to everyone. Yet far more powerful than its simplicity might suggest. Just stop soaking up your immune system's resources and allow it to do its job. This way you can aim at the CAUSE of your disease, rather than the SYMPTOMS.

Conventional Medicine Remains Important: This is not say, or even suggest, that the conventional medical approach does not have an important place in our healing efforts. For example: If I have a burst appendix or was in a serious auto accident with broken bones, punctured lungs, etc., I would gratefully lie on the surgeon's table for his/her skills. However, I will also call for help from The Unseen Therapist (Optimal EFT) before and after the operation. This will likely, eliminate surgical complications, reduce pain, and speed up the recovery process.

The video below displays this impressive "surgical help" from The Unseen Therapist regarding Brad Thompson's hip operation. Much to learn here.

Are We Perfect?: I wish I could say that we have perfected EFT Tapping and Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist) such that the medical approach is no longer necessary. Wouldn't that be nice? However, we are not there (yet).

But we ARE far enough down the road to strongly suggest that you consult your doctor about using EFT Tapping or Optimal EFT BEFORE resorting to drugs, surgeries, radiations or other invasive methods.

While I cannot prove or disprove what I am about to say, it is my opinion that doing the above will reduce the need for medical invasions by 50-80% AND give you a much more pleasant experience. Further, if everyone did this, I think medical and insurance costs would drop dramatically, thereby improving the economies of every country in the world.

e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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