EFT & OEFT: Introduction To Our Near-Free Advanced Online Training. By Gary Craig, EFT Founder. Be a paid member.
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EFT & OEFT: Introduction To Our Near-Free Advanced Online Training. By Gary Craig, EFT Founder. Be a paid member.

For those who will, 'Tis the ultimate skill.


I am asking you for a one-time fee of $100 for the vast resources below. My interest is in Touching The World (while also paying my website bills) with as many fellow seekers as possible. Further, I will provide you with a 30 day money back guarantee.

I'm not looking for millions of dollars.

I'm looking for millions of self-empowered friends.

Note: All of the photos below are for illustration only. None of them are working videos.

FIRST: EFT Tapping

The central manual for EFT Tapping is the free Gold Standard EFT Tapping Tutorial on our website. To support that Tutorial, this advanced library contains over 100 hours of videos that bring it to life. They lift the instructions off the page and show you how to professionally apply the process to real people with real problems. Here is where you develop into a true artist with these procedures.

These videos include...

The Borrowing Benefits videos: 11 full sessions that are specially designed for you to "tap along" with me and the onstage client to gain benefits for yourself. This can happen even though you may not have the same issue details as the onstage client. We call this Easy EFT or Borrowing Benefits and you can learn to do this in a morning. Very popular shortcut. Full instructions included. Great for beginners who don't want to learn all the details. Session topics include...

  • Putting oneself forward

  • Couples counseling

  • Repressed memory

  • "I must fix the world"

  • Money blocks

  • Molestation

  • "I don't want to dance"

  • "I could never do anything right"

  • Social discomfort

  • Claustrophobia

  • Fear of making presentations

The Art of Delivery Videos: 11 more full sessions wherein I deliver EFT Tapping successfully to erase underlying contributing emotions behind. You can use the above Borrowing Benefits shortcut on each of these to gain personal benefits for yourself. In fact, you can use that useful shortcut on all of the videos listed in this entire EFT Tapping section.

  • Hepatitis C/vaginal issues

  • Mother issues

  • Head injury

  • Cystic Fibrosis

  • War trauma

  • Childhood abuse

  • Neuropathy

  • Sexual abuse

  • Breast cancer

  • Prostrate cancer


Pain Management: 7 full sessions aimed at bringing down major pain. Includes my notes so your understanding will be more complete. Also includes Borrowing Benefits Instructions for your personal use on this topic.

Tricia: Part 1 Tricia: Part 2 Tricia: Part 3 Tricia: Part 4 Anne: Part 1 Anne: Part 2 Anne: Part 3

Fear Of Public Speaking: 3 full sessions with Cheryl that erase this common fear. Includes my notes so your understanding will be more complete. Also includes Borrowing Benefits Instructions for your personal use on this topic.

Emotional Overeating: 5 full sessions with 5 different people that aim at erasing the underlying causes for overweight issues. Includes my notes so your understanding will be more complete. Also includes Borrowing Benefits Instructions for your personal use on this topic.

Grief: 22 sessions with Nancy: a very challenging case with many underlying emotional causes. Includes my notes so your understanding will be more complete.

Surrogate EFT: 5 in-depth examples of bringing benefits to people who are unable (or unwilling) to participate in the session. Fascinating. Watch VERY challenging issues melt away.

Victoria: Her mother's Dementia issue

Howard: His son's behavior issues Betsy: Her ankle and other issues Bobbi: Her back pain issue

Dusty: Her son's issue with Down Syndrome and Autism

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder):

6 discussions with experts in this field.

  • Joan Kaylor gives first class insights

  • Dr. Constance Wells brings relief to a complicated OCD case via a kidnapping event.

  • Dr. Constance Wells brings relief to severe OCD for a 16 year old boy.

  • Dr. Constance Wells helps 7 year old boy with major OCD symptoms.

  • Dr. Constance Wells provides relief for a long standing "OCD for dirt" issue.

  • Dr. Constance Wells: Overview of her highly successful OCD approaches.

Marketing Tips & Treasures: My one day workshop on marketing for EFT Tapping professionals.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


SECOND: Optimal EFT (OEFT, The Unseen Therapist)

...Our Most Powerful Advancement...

This library includes over 300 hours of videos as well as easy to follow instructions. The 30 Advanced Lessons and 30+ Self-Help Sessions (see below) are the centerpiece of this training and augment the free intro e-book, The Unseen Therapist. Together, they take you on an unimaginable journey through your Palace of Possibilities. The rest of this library serves as backup, as needed.

The SHIFT Method: This is a do-it-yourself shortcut method that conveniently embodies most of the High-End concepts in this advancement. You need only follow along with two recorded sessions while plugging in your own issue. Full instructions included. Highly useful without needing to learn and master the details above. Ideal for beginners.

30 Advanced Lessons: These take you by the hand and ease you into deeper and deeper levels of this very High-End process. Go as far as you wish. Here for your review, are the titles of the Advanced Lessons.

#1: Intro and Lesson 1.

#2: Entering a Loving Moment and Reducing "Mind Chatter."

#3: Expanding on Specific Events - Finding Aspects

#4: Expanding on Specific Events - Bouncing Off Foundational Issues

#5: Expanding on Specific Events - Table Top/Table Legs Metaphor.

#6: The Generalization Effect.

#7: How to find specific events underlying emotional issues.

#8: How to find specific events underlying physical ailments.

#8a: Aiming at physical symptoms

#9: Resentments

#10: Asking The Unseen Therapist for Essential Issues.

#11: The Tearless Trauma Technique for intense issues.

#12: Testing Your Work: Measuring Your Success

#13: Expanding on Specific Events: Association and Dissociation

#14: How does the ailment benefit you?

#15: The Tell the Story Technique – A useful method for finding details.

#16: Chasing the pain.

#17: Everyone Has The Same Issues

#18: Working one-on-one: The counselor/client relationship.

#19: Common challenges - The non-feeling person.

#20: Common challenge - When you can't find a specific event.

#21: Common challenge - Client can't isolate one event out of many similar circumstances.

#22: Common challenge - When someone “feels worse” after a session.

#23: Common challenge - Meltdowns or abreactions.

#24: One person performs the process surrogately for another.

#25: Conversational EFT.

#26: One person provides surrogate benefits for an entire group of people.

#27: A group working for an individual-everyone wins.

#28: Groups Working for the Whole Group-Everyone Wins.

#29: Reframing – the ultimate art.

#30: EFT Tapping.

50+ Self-Help Sessions: Watch while I deliver Optimal EFT to various people with VERY CHALLENGING ISSUES. These full length sessions are specially created so that you can plug in your own issues and benefit along with the client.


7 Sessions with Sandi on multiple issues. As you will see, Sandi had been dealing with numerous anxiety-related issues as well as IBS, Migraine headaches, Asthma and Eczema for many years. Behind all these ailments was an abusive past, a violent father and consistent conditioning that she was "bad," "naughty," etc. We address, of course, her underlying emotional issues and, as a result, her physical ailments fade. Each of the sessions contains one or more visits with The Unseen Therapist as well as artistic reframes.

4 Sessions with Gary W on vision issues. As you will see in these video sessions, we sometimes aim The Unseen Therapist (whom Gary prefers to call Quan Yin, a spiritual presence of his own preference) at the symptoms and, at other times, we aim at the emotionally charged specific events that we suspect may be the underlying cause. At the end we have great success.

7 Sessions with Bobbe on a mystery issue. Bobbe experienced an unexplained overwhelming emotional crisis (crying, shaking, abreaction) and asked me for help. Finding the underlying cause took quite a bit of digging and, along the way, a chronic cough provided helpful clues. These "mystery issues" happen to many others and finding relief for them often seems elusive... at least if you are using conventional methods. Not so, with Optimal EFT.

9 Sessions with Doug on a rejection issue. Doug had severe difficulty mingling in social situations, especially when conversing with ladies. The core of this came from childhood where he had father-anger issues and was often ignored by his school peers and others. We also dealt successfully over the death of a dog, Ozzie.

2 Sessions with Sharon on a childhood sexual abuse issue. Sharon experienced childhood sexual abuse and repressed it until age 43. The memories then showed up and caused her great discomfort. Many reframes and Unseen Therapist sessions help bring her resolution.

8 Sessions with Maite on multiple issues. These sessions with Maite bring substantial relief to five pages she presented regarding serious issues (three pages for physical symptoms and two pages for emotional concerns). Note that (1) we aim almost exclusively at emotional causes and (2) we use ONLY The Unseen Therapist for resolution of the many issues. Many reframes are threaded throughout the sessions.

14 Sessions with Marcia on her low energy. Marcia, age 70, was lethargic with low energy and had been so for many years. In fact, her energy was so low she was worried any session over 20 minutes would cause her to physically "tank" and take her several days to recover. Her physicians diagnosed her with extreme Adrenal Fatigue although, for our purposes, the diagnosis does not matter. The low energy can come from ANY diagnosis. This is because the approach I used with Marcia is valid for all issues, regardless of their label. That is one of the remarkable features of this process.

5 Sessions with Carole for anxiety relief. Carole had worked with EFT Tapping regarding her major anxiety issue but had gone essentially nowhere. This, to me, became an obvious opportunity to experiment with Optimal EFT. I say experiment because these videos occurred in the early years of Optimal EFT when I hadn't yet come up with the name, The Unseen Therapist. That's why, in these sessions, we call on "Source" or "Higher Intelligence." As you will see, the "experiment" paid off.

15 Sessions with "Carol" for VERY SEVERE CHILDHOOD TRAUMA. Here are her comments after the sessions.

  • "The positive changes have been incredible. I've felt ways I didn't know existed for me.

  • "Anyway, it felt like just PEACE, not just, but PEACE. A sense of faith in life maybe? It wasn't bliss of excitement, but more something I could take for granted would be ever present. Like I was connected to a sense of solidarity that was mine and mine alone. That feels like self trust - and more - I've never really felt like I've been allowed to have a part of myself that belonged just to me... that's priceless.

  • "I feel more in my body, more connected to my body.

  • "I'm grounded and feel a zest for life. Like I want to make up for lost time over the years.

  • "I have more enthusiasm for things too. It's subtle, but powerful.

  • "I can feel Her (The Unseen Therapist) deeply, like in my bones deep. She "swoops" in and fills me entirely, beyond body alone and I feel a sensation of deep and abiding peace. For those moments that I am totally held by Her, all is well and all always will be well. No doubt, no fear, just peace and love. Nothing for me to do. I'm not to do the healing but allow it as much as I can. It's beautiful.

  • "I couldn't believe something [so awful] that felt that true and intense could have gone in seconds. But it's gone."

170 Recorded Webinars: Over 200 hours of intriguing video Q&A between myself, students and experts. They cover just about every topic imaginable and display time stamps so you can go right to topics of interest. Surprising material. In-depth. Entertaining. Often inspirational.

Practice Groups Available: You can also join, or even start, a Practice Group where you can practice your skills with other Members from all over the world. This is a highly popular feature. No extra charge.

Gary Craig, proprietor



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Palace of Possibilities, EFT,  OEFT,  Optimal EFT, Unseen Therapist, Gary Craig

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