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Please God, May I Feel Your Peace?

Hi Everyone,

This well written account will pull you right into Terry's experience. He says, "I was totally one with the water, the earth, the sky, with all that is. I saw a couple of hikers in the distance and just wanted to run over to them and hug them, feeling like a little puppy totally in love with life."

e-hugs, Gary

Hi Gary,

15 years ago I was standing by the side of a small tarn in a very remote part of the Lake District in the UK feeling very small and insignificant and actually shaking with fear. I was about to undertake a journey way outside of my comfort zone and was feeling incredibly afraid at the prospect. I vividly recall closing my eyes as I stood by the side of the water and feeling the fear as my whole body was shaking from head to toe. I totally surrendered into the moment and silently asked, "Please God, may I feel Your Peace."


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Instantly the shaking stopped and as I opened my eyes I felt total Oneness with everything around me.....the same landscape wherein just a moment ago I felt so small and lost within I now felt a part OF and not from. I felt like I could have walked across the water as i was the water.....the clouds looked fluffy and everything was in technicolour like I imagine it be like on an LSD trip.

I was totally one with the water, the earth, the sky, with all that is. I saw a couple of hikers in the distance and just wanted to run over to them and hug them, feeling like a little puppy totally in love with life.

These feelings stayed with me for a few days and I went on later that month to undergo the challenge that had been so scaring me ( a charity trek around a remote region of the Himalayas ) and to really enjoy the experience.


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I guess i got a sense of another reality, that indeed if I can totally let go and surrender into the moment and experience myself as the Love that I am, then indeed i come to know what the mystics have said , that indeed All is Well and All Will Be Well !


Terry Doyle


e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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