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Praise For Severe Diabetes Leg Pain Recovery

"Ten years of pain gone, poof, just like that."

Dear Gary,

First let me compliment you on the wonderful work you and your team are doing.

I have suffered for over a decade with terrible pain in both legs due to diabetes. Have tried multiple medications over the years prescribed by different doctors.

Nothing worked.

At times the pain would be so severe that I would wish that I did not have legs or could cut them off. The 0-10 pain level for several years has been at 10.

I am a patient of Dr Gabriëlle Rutten (Director of the Gary Craig Official EFT Training Center in the Dutch language) and in her first session with The Unseen Therapist she did real wonders.

This extraordinarily talented lady knew exactly from where the problem came and cleared the emotions in just one session.

Ten years of pain gone, poof, just like that.




Also, I have been meditating for about 51 years and achieve “Bliss Mind or Nirvana” about 3-4 times a year.

After Dr Rutten’s session I meditated with The Unseen Therapist for about 45 minutes. I was surprised as to how easy it was to achieve Bliss. The only downside was I got so much energy when I finished at 8 pm that I could get no sleep later that night.

What may be of interest to your research is that now this state is achieved each and ever day within moments of starting to meditate. Hence, I restrict myself to no more than 15 minutes of meditating.

Please accept my heartfelt appreciation and do keep up all the wonderful work you are all doing.

With Gratitude,

Peter (name changed for privacy reasons)


e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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