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Questions on world issues, prayer and EFT buddies

Hi Everyone,

Jan Evans (from the UK) compares The Unseen Therapist with ordinary tapping and says, "Ordinary tapping seems just that now - ordinary, clumsy, slow and basic, almost primitive."

She also gives some of her experiences and then raises these interesting questions.

1. Issues such as world peace, leaders who fight, wars, poverty, hunger - are these too big or remote or non-specific for The Unseen Therapist to have noticeable effect?

2. Do you think The Unseen Therapist is akin to prayer?

3. Would you say for complete beginners it would help to have an EFT buddy?

e-hugs, Gary


Hello Gary,

Just a few comments and questions about Unseen Therapist. I marvel how you discovered this aspect of healing. It certainly pushes the boundaries. I’m inclined to call Her The Ultimate Therapist as She is surpassing all expectations.

I learned about EFT in 2005 and was hooked. Unfortunately I got sidetracked into the spinoffs (scripts, online variations). It didn’t feel right so, fortunately, I met Anne Ryan in 2014\. Since then Anne and I have been Skyping and Zooming regularly. At first it was every week and recently every fortnight. We have covered such a lot. It feels like coming home.

Anne is very skilled and intuitive and the Unseen Therapist is present every time we meet. Ordinary tapping seems just that now - ordinary, clumsy, slow and basic, almost primitive.

Sometimes people come to me for other things e.g reiki, energy field healing and reflexology. I’ve found that, occasionally, The Unseen Therapist is too much for them to take in so we sit with her for a few minutes, find the loving moment, state what is happening for the person and ask UT for help. Then we continue with whatever therapy they have come for, and lo and behold! The Unseen Therapist has done her stuff. It’s as if something needs to be done to verify it in these early days; that may be down to limiting beliefs or unfamiliarity with the idea.

Question 1: Issues such as world peace, leaders who fight, wars, poverty, hunger - are these too big or remote or non-specific for The Unseen Therapist to have noticeable effect? GC Answer: Ultimately, The Unseen Therapist can bring resolution to all these issues. However, this effort must start at the ground level with individuals like you and me. As we build our own peace, it will spread to others and eventually permeate everyone, including world leaders. These problems will then fade because their CAUSES will have vanished.

Question 2: Do you think The Unseen Therapist is akin to prayer? GC Answer: Yes! It IS prayer... a unique form that focuses on the CAUSES of our issues rather than the symptoms. This is why our requests produce measurable results far more often than conventional prayer.

Question 3: Would you say for complete beginners it would help to have an EFT buddy? It’s quite tricky to stand back and get the right words and feelings yourself if you’re the one with the issues. It has certainly helped to pair up with Anne - we both feel we get a great deal from working together. GC Answer: Yes, EFT buddies are a great idea, particularly when The Unseen Therapist is involved. Love is best when shared.

That was a bit of a ramble, I’m afraid. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Jan Evans

Gary Craig, proprietor



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