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"Seeing" The Client At An Earlier Age

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After Phoenix Morgaine wrote me the fascinating email below, I phoned her and learned that she had had several spiritual experiences similar to mine. Apparently, in her case (but not yet in mine), those experiences allowed her to "see" things out of the ordinary. She says, "The first time it occurred, I was discussing the effects of childhood sexual abuse with a close friend. I'd looked away for a moment, then felt the energy in the room shift and go very still. When I looked back at my friend, she appeared to be a very frightened 3 or 4 year old little girl. I don't mean just the look in her eyes or her body language. She literally looked to me like the 3 or 4 year old version of herself!"

e-hugs, Gary

Aloha Gary!

Many times when I meet with someone who is in a high state of distress, I will "see" them at the age that they experienced serious trauma.

The first time it occurred, I was discussing the effects of childhood sexual abuse with a close friend. I'd looked away for a moment, then felt the energy in the room shift and go very still. When I looked back at my friend, she appeared to be a very frightened 3 or 4 year old little girl. I don't mean just the look in her eyes or her body language. She literally looked to me like the 3 or 4 year old version of herself!

I was so taken aback, that I blurted out, "What happened to you when you were 3 or 4?" She replied in a very tiny voice, that the parish priest who came to her house every Sunday for lunch, had molested her.


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This experience has happened numerous times and can last as long as 5 minutes. I've learned not to ask point blank, but instead, to observe their energy and any other details of what I am "seeing" to be used as a tool during sessions.



e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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