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Simple uses of Surrogate EFT during every day conversations


Alert: This is one of 3,000 EFT Tapping articles that were written by users like you but before 2010. As such they are outdated and some of the links don't work. Nonetheless, they provide an excellent Peek at the Possibilities and show you the wide reach of even our older methods. See TRAINING for our free and near-free advanced methods.


Hi Everyone,

Steve Levine shows us a simple EFT method for bringing peace to the lives of others.

Hugs, Gary


By Steve Levine

Hi Gary,

I was inspired to try an interesting technique in the store near where I work. The people there often come to me to vent their frustrations about how stressed they are with their jobs. While they are sharing with me I nod my head but all the time I am visually tapping all the EFT points starting with the PR spot. I then imagine the EFT points all blinking on and off like a traffic signal. Within a few minutes their frustration seems to diminish and they walk away feeling better. It is interesting to listen for when the shift happens in their thought process. They actually loose the anger and begin to talk about the problem as if it is something they are OK with now. I also see a change in their face. A brighter more peaceful look to the face occurs after surrogate EFT. It is like a face lift for some! I have often used this in stressful meetings where people are venting and the conversations are heated. Surrogate EFT calms the hotheads down and keeps the meeting at an even keel. For heated counseling sessions surrogate EFT has been a real breakthrough when I want to get faster results without having the counselees physically tap..

I have also been able to help people with health issues using surrogate EFT. How many times are we in a public setting and someone nearby is hacking away with a bad cough? Surrogate EFT has worked beautifully in these situations to help the person stop coughing. For those in the health field this is a God send.  I am grateful for the article Ryan Kurczak wrote as it has helped me to explore many uses for this wonderful technique in my EFT practice.


Steve Levine


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Gary Craig, proprietor



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