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The Peace Parade

 "Personal Peace is contagious and has a power far beyond our imaginations."


Do you know, or have you ever met, someone who perpetually seems calm and gently smiles at almost everything; who seems cheerful, understanding and full of love; who is centered and appears unruffled by anything or anyone? Such people exist among us and are magnetic. We are drawn to them and wish we had that "certain something" they possess. 

They are members of what I call... 

The Peace Parade. 

They are the ones that will one day circle the globe and generate true peace for all. They will replace the wars, politics and economic sanctions that are our current band aids for the lack of Personal Peace that permeates the planet. 

And we are joining them. 

We are using Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist) to climb our Stairway to Miracles and

The Stairway to Miracles

shift our resentments, guilt, fears, worries and doubts toward the more tranquil state that is our birthright. And, as we do so, we become part of The Peace Parade. 

It may seem grandiose to think that we (with The Unseen Therapist) can shift the world on such a dramatic scale. But Personal Peace is contagious and has a power far beyond our imaginations. As our Peace Parade marches around the world, its magnetism will gather others and, eventually, transform our existence. Its members will expand each other's joy and their waves of love will dissolve all ailments. 

One such member of this Peace Parade is Jagjeet Singh Ahluwalia. He voluntarily brings Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist) to a local facility for ill and disadvantaged people. He wrote me a letter recently about the peace his patients often feel while being open to The Unseen Therapist. Here are some examples from his letter... 


--"Almost all the people that I come across and whatever the state they might be in at the beginning of the session, there are feelings and experiences of peace, calmness at some point in the session." 

--"...and then closed our eyes inviting the unseen therapist. When she opened her eyes the energy had already shifted as she said “ I feel at peace” and her way of communication had also settled down, talking now with ease and in a relaxed manner." 

--"By the end of the session she was in a blissful state and I was experiencing some of it too." 

--"She also mentioned that she felt the presence of God, the divine, very strongly and has never been in such a state before. Feelings of peace, calmness are almost a given in most cases." 

Jagjeet Singh Ahluwalia 


Peace is our most important mission... for us and for the world. However, our Personal Peace must come first because that is the foundation of world peace. 

I am thrilled with our progress to date. We are each using The Unseen Therapist to proceed at our own pace and, as we share Her remarkable presence, we are creating impressive pearls of peace and building a rich collection of "Impossible" Healings. 


Peace to all, Gary

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