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The Ultimate Skill

In my previous article, The Ultimate Mentor, we saw that The Unseen Therapist... i.e. our "Wisdom Within"... gives us first class advice for all inquiries. 

The challenge: Our only challenge is to learn to listen. The wisdom is always there but our arrogant egos insist on overriding those oh-so peaceful solutions wherein abundance and harmony dominate everything and no one loses... ever. 

Sooooo The Ultimate Skill, quite simply, is to learn to listen.

The Personal Peace Procedure: In my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, I provide a fundamental process for learning this skill. It is called The Personal Peace Procedure and involves asking The Unseen Therapist to bring resolution to a properly specified issue. 

It is a simple idea and even newcomers can do it. However, it takes practice. You are not likely to "get it" if you lightly read the book and/or wave your hand at the recommended practice. You are being given an astonishiing new tool but it will not leap off the page and provide instant healing. Rather, the more you practice, the better your results (and there is no limit to those results). 

New healing vistas: As you practice, you will learn that aiming at emotional causes is usually more efficient than aiming at symptoms. This is a major step up our Stairway to Miracles and one that brings new healing vistas to your awareness. This one concept should, in my opinion, be the first course taught in all medical schools. Properly understood and applied, it can reduce medical costs by 50% to 80%. But you need not wait for others. You can benefit from this idea as soon as you "own it." 

Finding hidden issues: You will also gradually recognize that you sometimes "hide" issues

from The Unseen Therapist (and yourself) without knowing it. We all do this and big doors open as this becomes apparent. Further, this gives you major insights into the healing process that will accelerate your climb up our Stairway to Miracles.

The Stairway to Miracles

Practice groups: Another powerful awareness is that love works best when shared. While you can get impressive benefits on your own, joining with practice groups can speed things up, and deepen, your results. You might wish to form your own private groups with friends (3 to 6 people is suggested) or join our Optimal EFT Course Membership where many groups gather (often via Skype) for this purpose. 

Developing trust: All of above generates improved results and those, in turn, generate still more trust in The Unseen Therapist (who is doing all of this). The greater that trust, the greater becomes your listening skill and the louder you will hear Your Ultimate Mentor's advice over what will become the feeble laments of the ego. 

And therein lies Your Ultimate Skill. Develop that and all else is yours. 

e-hugs, Gary

Gary Craig, proprietor



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